Masuk Daftar
a crystal clear voice: suara yang bening dan jelas
a cube of sugar: a cube of sugar
a cup of: secawan
a cup of coffee: secangkir kopi
a cup of tea: secangkir teh
a cup of water: secangkir air
a cure for pokeritis: a cure for pokeritis
a cure for wellness: a cure for wellness
a cut above: lebih baik
a dance with dragons: a dance with dragons
a dangerous foe: a dangerous foe
a dangerous method: a dangerous method
a dark horse: kuda ajaib
a darkling plain: a darkling plain
a dartlike weapon: anak panah kecil
a daughter just like you: a daughter just like you
a daughter of luxury: a daughter of luxury
a daughter of the gods: a daughter of the gods
a daughter's a daughter: a daughter's a daughter
a day in our life: a day in our life
a day in the death of joe egg: a day in the death of joe eg...
a day in the life: a day in the life
a day or two: satu atau dua hari
a day to remember: a day to remember
a day without rain: a day without rain
a day without tears: a day without tears
a day's pleasure: a day's pleasure
a dead beat: gelandangan
a dead loss: kerugian yang besar
a dead set: keadaan sulit
a dead shot: jago tembak
a death blow: pukulan maut
a decade or two: sepuluh atau dua puluh tahun
a decree of destiny: a decree of destiny
a deepness in the sky: a deepness in the sky
a dennis the menace christmas: a dennis the menace christma...
a devil's chaplain: a devil's chaplain
a diary for timothy: a diary for timothy
a diary of a demonstrator: catatan seorang demonstran
a die hard: orang yang keras kepala
a different american dream: a different american dream
a dirty look: anggapan yang tidak menyenan...
a discordant note: hal yang tidak selaras
a disgrace to: mendatangkan malu pada
a dog's age: waktu sangat lama
a dog's best friend: a dog's best friend
a dog's life: hidup melarat; a dog's life
a dog's way home: a dog's way home
a dog's will: a dog's will
a doll's house: rumah boneka
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