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contoh kalimat 107

"107" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Your audience contained what was left of the 107th.
    Penontonmu adalah yang tersisa dari infantri 107
  • The global average is 103 males to 107 females.
    Rata-rata global adalah 103 banding 107 perempuan.
  • Amanda Young's arrest report has her at 107.
    Laporan penangkapan bilang Amanda young ditimbang sekitar 107 lbs.
  • The rest were killed or captured. The 107th?
    Lainnya terbunuh atau tertangkap 107 ?
  • Eagle 107 to the base. Eagle 107 to the base.
    Eagle 107 kepada markas.
  • We just came from, uh, 80s night at 107.
    Kami datang dari, uh, tahun 80an malam di 107.
  • In all, 97 of the 107 attacking aircraft were destroyed.
    Total 97 dari 107 pesawat penyerang berhasil dihancurkan.
  • GR.7A The GR7A feature an uprated Pegasus 107 engine.
    GR.7A GR7A yang menampilkan sebuah mesin uprated Pegasus 107.
  • Cleanup crew Delta to the Ivy House Hotel room 107.
    Pekerja pembersihan Delta menuju hotel Ivy House Kamar 107.
  • I know, right? Can you tell me where Room 107 is?
    Aku tahu Bisa kau tunjukkan dimana ruangan 107?
  • I fought beside the 107th in Iraq.
    Aku berperang bersama 107 di Irak.
  • Pablo Escobar murdered 107 innocent people.
    Pablo Escobar membunuh 107 orang tak bersalah.
  • This second wave consisted of 107 aircraft.
    Gelombang kedua ini berisi 107 pesawat.
  • All 107 aboard were declared missing and presumed dead.
    Seluruh penumpangnya yang berjumlah 107 orang dinyatakan hilang dan tewas.
  • One-three Thomas, respond to 1020 at 540 East 107.
    13 Thomas, jawab kode 10-20 di Jalan East 107 No. 540.
  • He was a soldier in the 107th.
    Dia tentara di infantri 107.
  • Peggy, Jarvis know you can do 107 one-armed pushups?
    Peggy, Jarvis sudah tahu kau bisa Push-Up 107 dengan satu tangan?
  • The Europeans don't even know Europe as well as the 107th.
    Orang Eropa bahkan tak tahu Eropa maupun resimen 107.
  • It started with 107 students, 32 of whom are non-Catholics.
    Awalnya memiliki murid 107 orang, 32 di antaranya bukan Katolik.
  • The Intern hostel, 107 building 503.
    Intern asrama, 107 bangunan 503.
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