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contoh kalimat 1080p

"1080p" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The BlackBerry PlayBook supports up to 1080p video playback.
    BlackBerry PlayBook mendukung hingga 1080p video playback.
  • In November 2009, 1080p HD support was added.
    Pada bulan November 2009, mode HD 1080p ditambahkan.
  • If we don't get 1080p video, we're all dead.
    Jika kita tidak mendapatkan video, kita semua mati.
  • Ultimate Sex 4 times Squirting Full HD 1080P. Download completed.
    4 Koleksi video seks dengan jembut Full HD1080P baru saja selesai di-download.
  • Dual 1080p high resolution , enjoy the VR world
    Resolusi tinggi 1080p ganda, nikmati dunia VR
  • 5-8 Mbps – 720p and 1080p High Definition
    5-8 Mbps - 720p dan 1080p Definisi Tinggi
  • 1080p HD 3D display with large screen
    ■ 1080p HD 3D tampilan dengan layar besar
  • Take 12 megapixels images and HD 1080P videos
    Ambil gambar 12 megapixels dan video HD 1080P
  • Function & Feature Support 1080p high definition decoder
    Fungsi & fitur Dukung decoder definisi tinggi 1080p
  • 8) With TF Card, support 1080P video decoding
    8) Dengan Kartu TF, mendukung pengodean video 1080P
  • Take 12 megapixels images and HD 1080P videos
    Ambil gambar 12 megapiksel dan video HD 1080P
  • Water 480 Fishing Drone With 1080P Sports Camera
    Air 480 Memancing Drone Dengan Kamera Olahraga 1080P
  • Security Wireless camera System 12V 1080P CCTV Price
    Kamera Keamanan Wireless Sistem 12V 1080P Harga CCTV
  • HXSJ S70 30fps 5 Megapixel 1080P Full HD...
    HXSJ S60 30fps 1 Megapixel 1080P HD Webcam...
  • 2004 1080p HDDVD x264 hV 2 Anonymous
    Formāts Visi sub srt txt ssa smi mpl tmp
  • 3. Support 2 RGB ,HD 1080P video play
    3. Mendukung 2 RGB, memutar video HD 1080P
  • 1080P resolution Recording to PC or USB Device
    Resolusi 1080P Merekam ke PC atau Perangkat USB
  • Alexis Ford And Summer Brielle HD 1080p
    Alexis Ford dan Musim Panas Brielle definisi tinggi 1080p
  • Suits S07E05 1080p WEB x264-TBS 41 jimbo98
    格式 所有 sub srt txt ssa smi mpl tmp
  • India Summer In Hotel Room HD 1080p
    India musim panas di hotel ruang resolusi tinggi 1080p
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