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contoh kalimat 111

"111" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Apparently 111's got some sort of grinder in there.
    Rupanya 111 punya semacam penggiling di sana.
  • Priority internal report for Robert Bold, 113 111.
    Prioritas laporan intern untuk Robert Bold, 113 111.
  • Older gentleman, 110 maybe 111 years old.
    Pria tua, umur 110 atau mungkin 111 tahun.
  • The further subdivision includes 111 deaneries and 2,200 parishes.
    Sejauh ini, terdapat 111 dekenat dan 2.200 paroki.
  • By this point in time the school had 115 students.
    Pada puncaknya, sekolah ini memiliki 111 murid.
  • We got a fire and explosion at 111th and Larch.
    Telah terjadi ledakan di jalan Larch no 111.
  • Um I think she's in Room 111.
    Um, Aku pikir dia di ruang 111.
  • It lies 111 meters (367 ft) above sea level.
    Membentang 111 meter (367 kaki) di atas permukaan laut.
  • Group 11, number 111, 111 is worth 50 million yen.
    Kelompok 11, nomor 111, 111 senilai 50 juta yen.
  • Group 11, number 111, 111 is worth 50 million yen.
    Kelompok 11, nomor 111, 111 senilai 50 juta yen.
  • The man downstairs told me room 111.
    Pegawai dibawah bilang kamar 111.
  • Touhey and Kaller from the 111.
    Touhey dan Kaller berasal dari 111.
  • Tell him you have a POTUS 111.
    Katakan padanya kode POTUS 111.
  • Saint Maria Zhao, aged 17, 111.
    Santa Maria Zhao, 17 tahun, 111.
  • Good to see you. 111 years old!
    Senang melihatmu. 111 tahun!
  • Announces the arrival of flight 111 from New Delhi to Montreal.
    Mengumumkan kedatangan penerbangan 111 dari New Delhi ke Montreal .
  • I have a possible POTUS 111.
    Ada kemungkinan terjadi POTUS 111.
  • Well, we're clear on the 111 all the way to the turnpike.
    Yah, kami membersihkan dari 111 sampai ke jalan tol.
  • Why are we down here?
    Mengapa kita di bawah sini? 111
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