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contoh kalimat 1460s

"1460s" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Desiderius Erasmus is reported to have been born in Rotterdam on 28 October in the late 1460s.
    Desiderius Erasmus dilaporkan lahir di Rotterdam pada tanggal 28 Oktober, di akhir tahun 1460-an.
  • Andrea di Cristoforo Bregno (1418–1506) was an Italian sculptor and architect of the Early Renaissance who worked in Rome from the 1460s and died just as the High Renaissance was getting under way.
    Andrea di Cristoforo Bregno (Osteno, dekat Como, 1418 – Roma 1506) adalah pembuat skulptur Lombardiadan arsitek Renaissance awal yang bekerja di Roma dari tahun 1460-an dan meninggal pada saat Renaissance Tinggi.