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contoh kalimat 24

"24" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The whole cementation process takes about 24 hours.
    Seluruh proses penyemenan ini memakan waktu 24 jam.
  • Mass timber panels are those 24-dot bricks.
    Panel kayu massal itu seperti balok lego 24 titik
  • I shall expect a staff report within 24 hours.
    Aku menunggu laporannya dalam 24 jam ini.
  • Just sit around scratching myself, 24 hours a day.
    Hanya duduk-duduk menggaruk sendiri, 24 jam sehari.
  • Yeah, I think you're right about number 24.
    Yeah, saya pikir kau benar soal angka 24.
  • Yeah, lie. We got less than 24 hours.
    Yeah, bohong kita punya waktu kurang 24 jam.
  • 24 hours chocked full of pure family values.
    24 jam chocked penuh dari nilai-nilai keluarga murni.
  • 24 hours later, Blake and Collins were dead.
    24 jam kemudian, Blake dan Collins sudah mati.
  • I'm implementing a 24 hour rule from now on.
    Saya menerapkan 24 jam memerintah dari sekarang.
  • 24 hours and not a minute longer, missy.
    24 jam dan tidak satu menit lagi, Nona.
  • Twenty four hours water on top of it.
    Dan paling utama air tersedia selama 24 jam.
  • At 24 hours a day, that is 60,000.
    At 24 hours a day, that is 60,000.
  • That is 24 minutes, 13 seconds from now.
    Itu adalah 24 menit, 13 detik dari sekarang.
  • A kid can stand anything for 24 hours.
    Seorang anak dapat berdiri apapun selama 24 jam.
  • We'll keep the patient under observation all 24 hours
    Kami akan mengawasi pasien selama 24 jam
  • Monitored 24 hours a day by a security company.
    Dipantau 24 jam sehari oleh perusaan keamanan.
  • Baloo, show him an alternator powered 24 watts.
    Ballu, tunjukkan kepadanya sebuah alternator bertenaga 24 watt.
  • Oxygen was pumped into her 24 hours a day.
    Oksigen dipompa ke 24 nya jam sehari.
  • Now, you've got a 24-hour jump on us, Lieutenant.
    Sekarang, Kau punya waktu 24 jam, Letnan.
  • The virus is designed to go inert after 24 hours.
    Virusnya dirancang aktif setelah 24 jam.
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