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contoh kalimat 5g

"5g" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • But in 3 months, that would be 5G!
    Tapi dalam 3 bulan, aku akan menjadi 5G!
  • Satellite radio, holographic video, surround sound, 5G.
    Radio satelit, video holographic, suara surround, 5G.
  • Right, we'll go to 5G.
    Benar, kita akan pergi ke 5G.
  • Confirming 5G sector 7. Over.
    Permintan serangan udara 5G sector 7.
  • Map coordinates 5G, sector 7.
    Map kordinat 5G, sektor 7.
  • Class 5G, Saint Andrew's Comprehensive.
    Kelas 5-G, Saint Andrew's Comprehensive.
  • In Germany, will begin broadcasting in ... 5G
    Di Jerman, akan mulai siaran di ... 5G
  • In Germany, will begin broadcasting in ... 5G
    Di Jerman, akan mulai siaran di ... 5G
  • Qualcomm launches world's most advanced 5G mobile platform
    Qualcomm meluncurkan platform seluler 5G tercanggih di dunia
  • Driven by 5G, the Korean semiconductor industry is expected...
    Didorong oleh 5G, industri semikonduktor Korea diperkirakan...
  • Apple prepares new iPhone 5G - Release date
    Apple menyiapkan iPhone 5G baru - Tanggal rilis
  • Over 5g BCAAs and 4g glutamine per serving
    Lebih 5g BCAAs dan 4g glutamin setiap hidangan
  • South Korea’s KT Corporation Launches Blockchain-Powered 5G Network
    KT Corporation Korea Selatan Lancar Rangkaian Blockchain-Powered 5G
  • Over 5g BCAAs and 4g glutamine per serving
    Lebih 5g BCAA dan glutamine 4g per porsi
  • Contains 5g glutamine per serving (to boost energy)
    Berisi 5g glutamin per porsi (untuk meningkatkan energi)
  • Qualcomm launches world's most advanced 5G mobile platform2019-12-05
    Qualcomm meluncurkan platform seluler 5G tercanggih di ...2019-12-05
  • Water Kefir - 5g dehydrated Water Kefir grains
    Milk Kefir - 15g live milk kefir grains
  • Only 5g carbs and 270 calories per serving
    Hanya 5g karbohidrat dan 270 kalori per porsi
  • Contains 5g of naturally occurring BCAA’s per serving
    Berisi 5g terjadi secara alami BCAA per porsi
  • Can 5G save more money in the future?
    dapatkah 5g menghemat lebih banyak uang di masa depan?
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3