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contoh kalimat 5th moscow international film festival

"5th moscow international film festival" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • His 1966 film Neighbours was entered into the 5th Moscow International Film Festival.
    Film 1966-nya Neighbours masuk ke Festival Film Internasional Moskwa ke-5.
  • In 1967, one of his films, The Enchanted Forest, was nominated at the 5th Moscow International Film Festival.
    Pada 1967, salah satu filmnya, The Enchanted Forest dinominasikan di Festival Film Internasional Moskwa ke-5.
  • His 1966 film Treasure of San Gennaro was entered into the 5th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Silver Prize.
    Film 1966-nya Treasure of San Gennaro masuk dalam Festival Film Internasional Moskow ke-5 di mana film tersebut memenangkan Penghargaan Perak.
  • Four years later, his film El amor brujo was also nominated for the Best Foreign Language Oscar and was entered into the 5th Moscow International Film Festival.
    Empat tahun kemudian, film buatannya El amor brujo juga dinominasikan untuk Oscar Bahasa Asing Terbaik dan masuk dalam Festival Film Internasional Moskow ke-5.