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Masuk Daftar

contoh kalimat a few more

"a few more" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I want to stay with you a few more minutes.
    Aku ingin bersamamu beberapa menit lagi.
  • We have a few more windows to cover up.
    kita masih punya sedikit cendela untuk ditutup.
  • This planet only has a few more hours of life.
    Planet ini akan segera hancur berkeping-keping.
  • Those bloodsuckers might give me a few more.
    Mereka pengisap darah mungkin memberi aku beberapa lagi.
  • Maybe he's waiting to blow up a few more!
    Mungkin dia menunggu untuk meledakkan gedung lagi!
  • A few more assassins need to be killed.
    Ada beberapa pembunuh lagi yg harus di bunuh.
  • I may want to ask you a few more questions.
    Mungkin aku akan banyak bertanya padamu.
  • It is gonna be a few more minutes for your table
    Akan siap dlm beberapa menit
  • It's just gonna take a few more hours.
    Aku cuma minta tambahan waktu beberapa jam lagi.
  • Mrs. Solomon, I have just a few more questions.
    Ibu Solomon, saya hanya memiliki beberapa pertanyaan.
  • But, you know, a few more would be nice.
    Tapi kamu tahu, beberapa lagi akan menyenangkan.
  • To afford a few more of those personal enhancements
    untuk membeli Beberapa dari mereka tambahan pribadi
  • I'm gonna work the routine a few more times.
    saya akan pekerjaan rutin lagi beberapa kali.
  • I think we need to try a few more.
    Kurasa kami perlu coba yang lain lagi.
  • You can hit a few more potholes next time.
    Anda dapat menekan Beberapa lubang waktu berikutnya.
  • It doesn't start for a few more hours. - Shut up!
    Itu dimulai beberapa jam lagi.
  • A few more drops wouldn't kill you, would it?
    Beberapa tetes lagi tak akan membunuhmu, kan?
  • There are a few more pages of PS's here.
    Ada beberapa halaman lagi PS di sini.
  • Okay? So, can you just focus for a few more days?
    Fokus untuk beberapa hari ini.
  • Oh, I've got a few more up my sleeve, honey.
    Oh, aku punya beberapa lagi, sayang.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3