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contoh kalimat a history of violence

"a history of violence" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • With a history of violence." This isn't out, this is fucked!
    Ini bukan bebas, ini kutukan!
  • According to Mary Jo, she has a history of violence.
    Menurut Mary Jo, dia memiliki sejarah kekerasan.
  • So there's a history of violence from the father.
    Jadi pernah ada kekerasan dari ayahnya.
  • Of every inmate with a history of violence.
    ..pada setiap narapidana dengan catatan kekerasan.
  • Who'd hire a former gang member and third-rate college graduate with a history of violence?
    Alangkah bodohnya, Onizuka itu!
  • There's a history of violence against women.
    Ada sejarah kekerasaan terhadap para wanita.
  • Does she have a history of violence?
    Apa dia punya catatan kejahatan?
  • You take it from the fact that he's got a history of violence.
    Anda simpulkan dari kenyataan Bahwa dia punya sejarah kekerasan.
  • They show a history of violence, mental instability, extreme anti-social behavior, deceit
    Mereka menunjukkan sejarah kekerasan, ketidak-stabilan mental, perilaku anti-sosial yang ekstrim, peni.
  • The killers were all middle-income, responsible people,... ..none with a history of violence.
    Para pembunuh adalah orang-orang berpenghasilan menengah, bertanggung jawab, tanpa sejarah kekerasan.
  • Found out he had a history of violence, went to jail for aggravated battery.
    Aku menemukan sejarah kekerasan nya, Pernah dipenjara karena memperberat baterai.
  • Tyler had a history of violence, he threatened your whole family at your birthday party.
    Tyler punya sejarah kekerasan. Dia mengancam seluruh keluargamu di pesta ulang tahunmu.
  • He's got a history of violence, petty theft, assault, going way back to juvie.
    Dia punya riwayat aksi kekerasan, pencurian kecil-kecilan, penyerangan, beberapa kali masuk penjara remaja.
  • Looking back, it is clear that the history of the world ... is a history of violence.
    Melihat kembali, jelas bahwa sejarah dunia... Ini adalah sejarah kekerasan.
  • Your wife have any exes or people in her past with a history of violence?
    Apa istri anda punya mantan atau kenalan di masa lalunya yang memiliki sejarah kekerasan?
  • Know anyone who's hiring high school dropouts with a couple of priors, no references and a history of violence?
    Siapa yang mau mempekerjakan orang yang putus sekolah.. ..dengan beberapa prior, tidak berpendidikan.. ..dan punya catatan kriminal?
  • She has a history of violence and... Lately, she's been obsessed with one of the patients in the heliotherapy ward, a young girl named Sophie.
    Dia punya catatan kekerasan dan belakangan dia terobsesi dengan pasien di bangsal Helioterapi.
  • It is an adaptation of the 1997 graphic novel A History of Violence by John Wagner and Vince Locke.
    Naskah film ini ditulis oleh Josh Olson berdasarkan novel A History of Violence karya John Wagner dan Vince Locke.
  • Fleishman's unstable, he has a history of violence, his wife robs him blind, he goes mad with revenge. - Circumstantial.
    Fleishman tidak stabil, ia memiliki sejarah kekerasan, istrinya membuat dia buta, dia pergi dengan membawa balas dendam yang mendalam.