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contoh kalimat abbeville

"abbeville" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I volunteered at a signal station near Abbeville.
    Aku menawarkan diri di sebuah stasiun sinyal dekat Abbeville.
  • Kids either went there or they were bussed to Abbeville.
    Anak-anak kalau tidak bersekolah disana, mereka akan dikirim ke Abbeville.
  • We got to go to Abbeville.
    Kita harus pergi ke Abbeville.
  • Courbet was born in Abbeville as the youngest of three children.
    Courbet lahir di Abbeville sebagai anak bungsu dari tiga orang anak.
  • The county seat is Abbeville.
    Ibukota county ini adalah Abbeville.
  • When he heard the Abbeville prisoner Francis knew something, he got on it.
    Saat dia dengar tahanan Abbeville, Francis mengetahui sesuatu, dia menanganinya.
  • Hookah Bar, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, United States
    Bar Hookah, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, Amerika Syarikat
  • Hookah Bar, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, United States
    Bar Hokah, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, Amerika Serikat
  • 109 S State St, Abbeville, LA 70510, USA
    2020 W Summers Dr, Abbeville, LA 70510, USA Alamat
  • 3009 Veterans Memorial Dr, Abbeville, LA 70510, USA
    Cullpeppers Saloon LLC, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, Amerika Syarikat
  • Oaks Lounge, Abbeville — address, phone, opening hours, reviews
    Oaks Lounge, Abbeville — alamat, telepon, jam buka, ulasan
  • Jim's Tire Services, Abbeville — address, phone, opening hours, reviews
    Jim's Tire Services, Abbeville — alamat, telepon, jam buka, ulasan
  • Cullpeppers Saloon LLC, Abbeville — address, phone, opening hours, reviews
    Cullpeppers Saloon LLC, Abbeville — alamat, telepon, jam buka, ulasan
  • Cullpeppers Saloon LLC, Abbeville — address, phone, opening hours, reviews
    Cullpeppers Saloon LLC, Abbeville — alamat, telefon, waktu operasi, ulasan
  • Hookah Bar — Abbeville, United States, address, reviews and opening hours
    Bar Hokah — Abbeville, Amerika Serikat, alamat, ulasan dan jam buka
  • 3 years ago, a flood in Abbeville, they pulled this girl out of the river.
    3 tahun yang lalu, banjir di Abbeville, ...mereka menyelamatkan gadis ini dari sungai.
  • The station opened on 15 March 1847 when the line to Abbeville opened to passengers.
    Stasiun ini dibuka pada tanggal 15 Maret 1847 ketika jalur menuju Abbeville dibuka.
  • On 12 September, the Anglo-French Supreme War Council gathered for the first time at Abbeville in France.
    Pada tanggal 12 September, Dewan Agung Perang Inggris Prancis berkumpul untuk pertama kalinya di Abbeville di Prancis.
  • Hallencourt is situated at the junction of the D21, D53 and D173 roads, some 10 miles (16 km) south of Abbeville.
    Hallencourt terletak di pertemuan jalan D21, D53 dan D173, sekitar 10 mil (16 km) di sebelah selatan Abbeville.
  • Courbet's body was then taken by train to his home town of Abbeville in Picardy, where a burial service was held on 1 September.
    Jenazah Courbet kemudian dibawa dengan kereta api ke kota asalnya Abbeville di Picardie, tempat upacara pemakaman diadakan pada tanggal 1 September.
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