contoh kalimat abdominal aorta
- Left of the spine, fourth lumbar down, the abdominal aorta.
Kiri tulang belakang, keempat pinggang bawah, aorta abdominalis. - The abdominal aorta supplies blood to much of the abdominal cavity.
Aorta abdominalis memberikan darah ke cavitas abdominalis. - 4th lumbar down, the abdominal aorta.
4 pinggang bawah, aorta abdominalis. - The knife severed the abdominal aorta.
Pisau memutus aorta perut . - So, whoever killed Haley knew exactly where to find her abdominal aorta.
Jadi , siapa pun yang membunuh Haley tahu persis di mana menemukan aorta perut nya . - The abdominal aorta begins at the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm at the level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra.
Aorta abdominalis bermula dari otot diafragma, melewati hiatus aorticus pada tingkat vertebra T12. - At the hotel, the victim's abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava... that's like the kidney's in-and-out for blood... were entirely removed.
Di hotel, Pembuluh aorta korban.. ..dan vena cava inferior.. terlihat seperti jalur.. - Ischemic - develops through the occlusal lesion of the branch of the abdominal aorta, which supplies blood to the large intestine. According to the code, the ICD refers to K52.8.
Iskemik - berkembang melalui lesi oklusal cabang aorta perut, yang memasok darah ke usus besar. Menurut kode, ICD mengacu pada K52.8. - 1. This model demonstrates the liver, spleen, blood vessels and pancreas. External structures are illustrated as well as the pancreatic duct of the pancreas. Also the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava are showed
1. Model ini menunjukkan hati, limpa, pembuluh darah dan pankreas. Struktur eksternal diilustrasikan serta saluran pankreas pankreas. Juga aorta abdomen dan vena kava inferior