contoh kalimat abide with
- Help of the helpless O, abide with me
"Bantuan tak berdaya O, mematuhiku" - There to abide with my Creator, God.
Ada untuk mematuhi Penciptaku, Tuhan. - 55 In a sure abode with a Sovereign Omnipotent.
55 Di tempat yang sungguh bahagia, di sisi Tuhan Yang Menguasai segala-galanya, lagi Yang Berkuasa melakukan sekehendakNya. - But water, begone, away with you, water, destruction of wine, and take up abode with scrupulous folk.
????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ????? “Kalian hendaklah mengambil air dan daun bidara, lalu wudhu dengan sempurna. - The Philippines understood the dispute of Indonesia but the Philippines was inclined to abide with Treaty of Paris due to pressure internally.
Filipina memahami sengketa tersebut tapi Filipina cenderung untuk mematuhi Perjanjian Paris karena tekanan internal. - The interpretation and the implementation of these Terms and Conditions are regulated by and abide with the applicable law of the Republic of Indonesia.
Interpretasi dan implementasi Syarat dan Ketentuan ini diatur dan tunduk pada hukum yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia. - The traditional pre-match anthem, "Abide with Me", and the national anthem were performed by The X Factor winner Leona Lewis, accompanied by the Band of the Welsh Guards.
Tradisional lagu pra-pertandingan, "Abide with Me", dan lagu kebangsaan dinyanyikan oleh pemenang X Factor Leona Lewis bersama Band dari Welsh Guards. - B. Any guest of a member or temporary visitor to Celebrity Fitness Health Clubs agrees to abide with the Club rules and the same limitation of liability as a member.
b. Setiap tamu dari Member atau pengunjung sementara ke Celebrity Fitness Health Clubs setuju untuk mematuhi peraturan Club dan batasan tanggung jawab yang sama dengan Member. - The traditional performance of the hymn, "Abide with Me" was performed by the choir of the Royal Air Force and 14 individual fans of 14 different clubs with a flypast by three RAF Typhoons.
Pertunjukan tradisional himne, "Abide with Me" dilakukan oleh paduan suara Royal Air Force dan 14 penggemar individu dari 14 klub yang berbeda dengan 3 RAF Typhoon yang terbang rendah melintasi stadion.