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contoh kalimat abis

"abis" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Classmates after a ten-year reunion.
    Temen sekelas yg abis ikutan reuni stlh 10 taon gak ketemu
  • Y-you're coming back to work, right? Here?
    Abis nikah, kamu tetep balik kerja ke sini, kan?
  • It will be of little use to you, Abis Mal!
    Itu mungkin sedikit berguna bagimu, Abis Mal!
  • I can't believe those two girls, Kevin.
    Gue gak abis pikir soal dua cewe itu.
  • They're yellowing their pants after seeing our kite!
    Mereka pipis di celana tuh, abis liat layangan kita!
  • And I am getting really freaking tired of digging.
    Dan aku capek banget abis gali. Halo, nona-nona.
  • How is it you get the jeweled flower, Abis Mal?
    Bagaimana Kamu bisa dapatkan bunga permata, Abis Mal?
  • My romantic life has passed its peak.
    Abis deh Kisah Romantis gue kaya mau loncat dari atas jurang.
  • Well, one day, after a huge fight, we broke up.
    Nah, suatu hari, pas abis berantem, kami putus.
  • What are you talking about? You're coming by after your shift, yeah?
    Kau mau mampir abis kerja, kan?
  • Come, Abis Mal... we have other lives to ruin.
    Ayo, Abis Mal... Kita punya urusan lagi dengan orang lain.
  • Why are you here? I heard some disturbing rumors about Shigure.
    Gue abis denger "gosip gak beres" soal Shigure.
  • Door knobs, forks, using a phone after somebody else.
    Pegangan pintu, garpu, make telpon yg abis dipake org laen.
  • He slumped the door from this very first night and left.
    Dia banting pintu td abis magrib, trus pergi.
  • Hey, sugar rims, you just fall out of a B-17?
    Hey, sugar rims, kamu abis jatuh dari a B-17?
  • Relax, this place is like a million stores and like a trillion dollers.
    Abis ganti baju, kita langsung pergi.
  • They don't live here, they just pass through from school.
    Mereka gak tinggal disini, mereka cuma lewat abis pulang sekolah.
  • It's gonna be nice to hit Stifler's tonight after exams.
    Kayanya seru deh kalo ketempat Stifler ntar malem abis ujian.
  • I don't know where you've been!
    "Gak Tau Abis Jajan Dimana"!
  • It is that thief Abis Mal!
    Itu si pencuri Abis Mal!
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