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contoh kalimat abses

"abses" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • This is termed a peritonsillar abscess (or quinsy).
    Hal ini disebut sebagai abses peritonsillar (atau quinsy).
  • That is the work of an untreated abscess.
    Itu adalah pekerjaan abses yang tidak diobati.
  • This abscess beyond healing we call home.
    Abses ini luar penyembuhan kita sebut rumah.
  • I started exploring the darker abscesses of the human mind.
    Saya mulai menjelajahi abses yang lebih gelap dari pikiran manusia.
  • An abscess may also form as a secondary reaction to an infection.
    Abses bisa terbentuk sebagai reaksi sekunder terhadap infeksi.
  • My husband has an abscess.
    Suami saya memiliki abses .
  • Actinomycosis abscesses grow larger as the disease progresses, often over months.
    Abses actinomycosis tumbuh lebih besar sebagai penyakit yang berlangsung, sering selama berbulan-bulan.
  • Infections in the liver (such as liver abscesses, etc.)
    Infeksi di hati (seperti abses hati, dll)
  • Ganas Professional Abdominal Crunch for Gym Fitness
    Cina Gym Professional Abses Crunch untuk Gym Fitness Produsen
  • The water moisture, and blood abscess, detoxify detumescence.
    Kelembaban air, dan abses darah, detoksifikasi detumescence.
  • Pus formation in the root or periapical abscess
    Pembentukan nanah di root atau periapikal abses
  • Bacterial infection in the gums or periodontal abscess.
    Infeksi bakteri di gusi atau abses periodontal.
  • In the occurrence of an abscess occurs redness and itching.
    Dalam terjadinya abses terjadi kemerahan dan gatal-gatal.
  • Gym Professional Abdominal Crunch for Gym FitnessContact Now
    Gym Professional Abses Crunch untuk Gym Fitness
  • Benign liver conditions including benign tumours, abscesses, cysts.
    Kondisi hati tak berbahaya termasuk tumor jinak, abses, kiste.
  • Gym Professional Abdominal Crunch for Gym Fitness Contact Now
    Gym Professional Abses Crunch untuk Gym Fitness Hubungi sekarang
  • Abscess,otitis,infection of digrstive canal,nrinary tract and biliary tract.
    abses, otitis, infeksi saluran digrstive, saluran nrinary dan saluran empedu.
  • Complicated skin and soft tissue infections, abscess necrotising fascitis
    Infeksi kulit dan jaringan ikat komplikasi, fascitis nekrosis abses
  • Complicated skin and soft tissue infections, abscess necrotising fasciitis
    Infeksi kulit dan jaringan ikat komplikasi, fascitis nekrosis abses
  • You have an abscess... causing a fluid pocket, a rather large fluid sac.
    Anda memiliki abses ... menyebabkan saku cairan, agak Kantung cairan yang besar.
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