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contoh kalimat academy awards ke-80

"academy awards ke-80" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Armin was selected to be Croatia's submission for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 80th Academy Awards .
    Armin terpilih menjadi perwakilan Kroasia untuk Film Berbahasa Asing Terbaik di Academy Awards ke-80 .
  • He was nominated at the 80th Academy Awards for the film There Will Be Blood in the category of Best Sound Editing.
    Ia dinominasikan di Academy Awards ke-80 untuk film There Will Be Blood dalam kategori Penyuntingan Suara Terbaik (Oscar).
  • A 2007 legal thriller film, Michael Clayton, was nominated for multiple and won one Academy Award in the 80th Academy Awards ceremony.
    Sebuah film thriller hukum 2007, Michael Clayton, dinominasikan beberapa kali dan memenangkan satu Academy Award dalam acara Academy Awards ke-80.
  • At the 80th Academy Awards, the film received eight nominations, the most nominations at the ceremony tied with There Will Be Blood.
    Di Academy Awards ke-80, film tersebut meraih delapan nominasi, nominasi terbanyak di acara tersebut bersama dengan There Will Be Blood.
  • The White Silk Dress has also been officially selected to represent Vietnam at the 80th Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film category.
    The White Silk Dress juga resmi terpilih mewakili Vietnam di Academy Awards ke-80 dalam kategori Film Berbahasa Asing Terbaik (Oscar).
  • For the 80th Academy Awards, which were held on February 24, 2008, the Academy invited 95 countries to submit films for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
    Untuk Academy Awards ke-80, yang diadakan pada 24 Februari 2008, Academy mengundang 95 negara untuk mewakilkan film-film pada Penghargaan Akademi untuk Film Berbahasa Asing Terbaik.
  • It was Israel's original Foreign Language Film submission for the 80th Academy Awards, but was rejected by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences because it contained over 50% English dialogue.
    The Band's Visit adalah ajuan Film Berbahasa Asing asli dari Israel pada Academy Awards ke-80, namun ditolak oleh Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences karena film tersebut berisi lebih dari 50% dialog berbahasa Inggris.