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contoh kalimat accession council

"accession council" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Bertie must now face the Accession Council without any assistance.
    Bertie harus menghadapi Dewan Pengangkatan tanpa bantuan Lionel.
  • The day after the Queen's death, the Accession Council would meet at St James's Palace to proclaim the new monarch.
    Sehari setelah kematian Ratu, Dewan Kenaikan Kerajaan (Accession Council) akan mengadakan rapat di Istana St James untuk mengumumkan penguasa monarki yang baru.
  • For example, foreign ambassadors are accredited to the Court of St James's, and the Palace is the site of the meeting of the Accession Council.
    Contohnya, para duta besar asing diakreditasikan ke Court of St James's, dan Istana-nya adalah tempat pertemuan Dewan Aksesi.
  • Located in the City of Westminster, although no longer the principal residence of the monarch, it is the ceremonial meeting place of the Accession Council and the London residence of several minor members of the royal family.
    Terletak di Kota Westminster, meskipun tak menjadi kediaman utama penguasa, tempat tersebut merupakan tempat pertemuan seremonial Accession Council dan kediaman London dari beberapa anggota keluarga kerajaan.