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contoh kalimat accession

"accession" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • After Anne's accession, the problem of the succession re-emerged.
    Setelah pengangkatan Anne, masalah suksesi kembali terjadi.
  • Godescalc's accession was without approval of the King.
    Aksesi Godescalco dilakukan tanpa izin dari raja.
  • Mahavamsa dates accession of Ajatashatru in 491 BC.
    Mahavamsa memberi tanggal aksesi Ajatashatru pada tahun 491 SM.
  • Currently, accession negotiations are under way with several states.
    Saat ini, negosiasi penggabungan beberapa negara sedang dilaksanakan.
  • Bertie must now face the Accession Council without any assistance.
    Bertie harus menghadapi Dewan Pengangkatan tanpa bantuan Lionel.
  • He was known as Damia Raja before his accession.
    Ia juga dikenal sebagai Damia Raja sebelum naik tahta.
  • Shortly after his accession the country was involved in the Seven Years' War.
    Segera setelah itu negaranya terlibat dalam Perang Tujuh Tahun.
  • However, Majid's elder brother, Thuwaini bin Said, contested the accession to power.
    Namun, kakak Majid, Thuwaini bin Said, berniat untuk naik tahta.
  • In Moguntiacum they received the news of Vespasian's accession to the throne.
    Tiba di Moguntiacum mereka menerima berita dari aksesi takhta Vespasianus.
  • In antiquity, regnal years were counted from the accession of a monarch.
    Pada zaman kuno, tahun-tahun regnal ditandai dari pengangkatan seorang penguasa.
  • The accession to the throne was celebrated in several ceremonies, rites and feasts.
    Kenaikan tahta dirayakan dalam beberapa acara, upacara dan perayaan.
  • It has been suggested that Tiberius' mother Livia may have orchestrated his accession.
    Dikemukakan bahwa ibu Tiberius, Livia mungkin telah mengatur aksesi tersebut.
  • The conference also approved the accession of China to the WTO on November 10.
    Vietnam diterima sebagai anggota WTO pada 7 November 2006.
  • Article 3 - Signature, Ratification and Accession
    Perkara 3 - Penandatanganan, Pengesahan dan Persetejuan
  • On 30 March 1994, accession negotiations concluded with Austria, Sweden and Finland.
    Pada 30 Maret 1994, dilakukan negosiasi mengenai masuknya Austria, Swedia, dan Finlandia.
  • On his accession, he married Adela, daughter of Count Robert I of Flanders.
    Pada aksesinya, ia menikahi Adela, putri Comte Robert I dari Flandria.
  • As the daughter of Aung San, you will automatically accession of the people.
    Sebagai putri Aung San, Kau secara otomatis akan memiliki akses ke rakyat.
  • His accession date occurred on I Peret day 2 around the month of December.
    Aksesinya terjadi pada tanggal I hari Peret 2 sekitar bulan Desember.
  • From 1619 till her husband's accession, she was known as the Princess of Piedmont.
    Dari tahun 1619 sampai aksesi suaminya, ia dikenal sebagai Putri Piemonte.
  • Only Gertrude's son King Béla IV took revenge after his accession to the throne.
    Hanya putranya Béla IV yang membalaskan dendamnya setelah ia naik takhta.
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