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contoh kalimat accomplishment

"accomplishment" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Few great accomplishments are achieved single-handedly, Wrigley.
    Hanya beberapa prestasi besar yang dapat dicapai sendirian, Wrigley.
  • This play depicts a nation's great accomplishments.
    Penjelasan ini menggambarkan sebuah negara memiliki prestasi yang hebat.
  • In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.
    Sebenarnya mereka juga tidak terampil dalam seni apapun.
  • You had to add murderer to your list of accomplishments.
    Kau menambahkan pembunuhan dalam daftar prestasi.
  • And trust me, my friend, that is a huge accomplishment.
    Dan percayalah, temanku, itu prestasi besar.
  • The name "Sontoku" was given to him for his accomplishments.
    Nama "Sontoku" dianugerahkan kepadanya atas prestasinya.
  • I was prejudiced by her accomplishments as a Vulcan.
    Saya selalu berprasangka sebagai seorang Vulcan.
  • Oh, climbing on the cabinets is his latest accomplishment.
    Oh, memanjat lemari adalah prestasi terbarunya.
  • The Emperor commands that, for their wartime accomplishments,
    Kaisar memerintahkan itu, untuk berperang prestasi mereka,
  • Why wouldn't you, with my impressive list of accomplishments?
    Mengapa kau tidak, dengan daftar prestasi yang mengesankan?
  • It's about celebrating her legacy, honoring her memory, her accomplishments.
    Ini soal menghargai peninggalannya, menghormati kenangannya, prestasinya.
  • You say that as if it's an accomplishment, Mr. Grayson.
    Kau mengatakan itu seolah-olah pencapaian, Tn. Grayson.
  • He loved me and was proud of my accomplishments.
    Dia menyayangiku dan bangga atas pencapaianku.
  • Your mother must be very proud of your accomplishments.
    Ibumu pasti sangat bangga akan prestasimu.
  • Your accomplishment is not only my concern, but my destiny.
    Prestasimu bukanlah urusanku, tapi takdirku.
  • I mean, it would be an incredible accomplishment.
    Itu akan jadi pencapaian yang luar biasa.
  • I heard of your accomplishment... regarding the VIP operation.
    Aku sudah dengan tentang prestasimu saat pengoperasian VIP.
  • This tremendous accomplishment is a testimony to the strength
    Ini prestasi luar biasa akan menjadi kesaksian dari kekuatan
  • Accomplishment of the emergency plan called "Valkiria" was started.
    Pemenuhan rencana darurat "Valkiria" dimulai.
  • But there's also a sense of accomplishment.
    Tapi ada apos; s juga rasa keberhasilan.
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