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contoh kalimat aceh timur

"aceh timur" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Born in East Aceh, he joined the separatist movement in 1997.
    Lahir di Aceh Timur, ia masuk gerakan separatis pada 1997.
  • Other than that, the Gayo population also covers Southeast Aceh Regency and Aceh Tamiang Regency.
    Selain itu suku Gayo juga mendiami sebagian wilayah di Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Tamiang, dan Aceh Timur.
  • The factory later closed due to a lack of raw materials, and after a brief stint as a heavy equipment operator Minimi then worked for his friend Adi Maros, a fellow former militant, in a drainage construction project in East Aceh as a bulldozer operator.
    Setelah pabrik tersebut tutup karena kekurangan bahan mentah, Minimi sempat menjadi operator alat berat sebelum diperkerjakan oleh koleganya di GAM Adi Maros dalam proyek konstruksi drainase di Aceh Timur sebagai operator buldoser.