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contoh kalimat acre

"acre" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "acre" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • 1 oo million acres of farmland turned to wasteland.
    000 hektar tanah pertanian berpaling ke gurun.
  • I mean, what would we do with 18 acres?
    Maksudku, kita apakan 18 hektar ini ?
  • Take the documents of those 3000 acres of land.
    Maka bawalah surat tanah 3.000 hektar itu.
  • Seven acres on the Gold Coast of Long Island.
    7 hektar di pesisir mewah Long Island.
  • Clean air, acres and acres of woods and mountain stream.
    Udara segar, hutan yang luas, sungai.
  • Clean air, acres and acres of woods and mountain stream.
    Udara segar, hutan yang luas, sungai.
  • It's a 100 acres with a lap pool.
    Tempat itu luasnya 100 hektar dengan kolam renang.
  • So what do you have here, 10 acres?
    Jadi apa yang kau miliki disini, 10 hektar?
  • He said he'd bought the whole acre for me.
    Katanya dia telah membeli tanah itu untukku.
  • And this is Jerry Cutler, President of Green Acres.
    Dan ini Jerry Cutler, Presiden Green Acres.
  • They allowed me to sell for 15 cents an acre.
    Mereka membayarku 15 sen per acre.
  • Devanampiyatissa built Tissa Wewa, which covers 550 acres.
    Devanampiyatissa membangun Tissa Wewa, yang meliputi 550 hektar.
  • And the chemical plant comprised 757 acres.
    Dan faslitas kimia terdiri atas lahan 757 acre (306 hektar).
  • L`ve already ordered 200 acres and 10 women.
    Aku sudah pesan 200 hektar lahan dan 10 wanita.
  • It's got some... Trees and a couple of acres
    Ada pohon dan tanahnya cukup luas.
  • My lord, you have a thousand acres... a hundred families.
    tuanku, kamu punya seribu akre... seratus keluarga.
  • I'm still the queen of Acre, Ashkelon, Tripoli.
    aku tetap queen of Acre, Ashkelon, Tripoli.
  • He usually earns more money per acre.
    Dia biasanya menghasilkan lebih banyak uang per hektar.
  • (1 acre of rain forest vanish each second)
    (Satu are hutan tropis hilang setiap detik)
  • Millions of acres of farmland turned to wasteland.
    Jutaan hektar tanah pertanian berpaling ke gurun.
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