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contoh kalimat ad council

"ad council" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The Ad Council partners with advertising agencies which work pro bono to create the public service advertisements on behalf of their campaigns.
    Mitra-mitra Ad Council dengan agensi-agensi periklanan yang bekerja pro bono membuat iklan-iklan pelayanan masyarakat atas perantara kampanye-kampenye mereka.
  • Ad Council President and CEO Peggy Conlon posted her own "Rosified" face on Huffington Post in an article she wrote about the group's 70-year history.
    Presiden dan CEO Ad Council Peggy Conlon memposting wajah "Rosified"-nya sendiri pada Huffington Post dalam sebuah artikel yang ia tulis tentang sejarah 70 tahun grup tersebut.
  • Damon is also a spokesperson for Feeding America, a hunger-relief organization, and a member of their Entertainment Council, participating in their Ad Council public service announcements.
    Damon juga menjadi juru bicara Feeding America, sebuah organisasi bantuan kelaparan, dan ia juga menjadi anggota Dewan Entertainment mereka, berpartisipasi dalam iklan layanan masyarakat mereka, bekerja sama dengan Ad Council.
  • However, Seton Hall University professor James J. Kimble and University of Pittsburgh professor Lester C. Olson researched the origins of the poster and determined that it was not produced by the Ad Council nor was it used for recruiting women workers.
    Namun, profesor Seton Hall University James J. Kimble dan profesor Universitas Pittsburgh Lester C. Olson meneliti asal muasal poster tersebut dan menyatakan bahwa poster tersebut tidak diproduksi oleh Ad Council apalagi digunakan untuk merekrut para pekerja wanita.