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contoh kalimat ada badai

"ada badai" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I didn't know there was a big storm coming.
    Aku tidak tahu ada badai besar datang.
  • Or at the very least, classified.
    Ada badai di sisi selatan. Jangan lupa membawa jas hujan.
  • Radio says there is a storm on the way.
    Radio bilang ada badai sedang menuju kesini.
  • The news said there's a big storm headed this way.
    Kabarnya ada badai besar malam ini.
  • There's a huge storm blowing in any minute now.
    Ada badai besar bertiup di setiap menit.
  • The radio said it's going to storm all night.
    Katanya akan ada badai terus-menerus malam ini.
  • There's a big storm rolling up the East Coast.
    Ada badai besar datang dari pesisir timur.
  • It was the year of the great storm.
    Pada saat itu ada badai yang begitu dasyat.
  • Was there also a storm that night, Mrs Edgar?
    Apakah ada badai juga malam itu, Nyonya Edgar?
  • It's gonna storm... it's all we need now!
    Ini akan ada badai... itu yang kita butuhkan sekarang!
  • So far, but they're calling for storms later.
    Sejauh ini, ya. Tapi mereka bilang ada badai nanti.
  • "..and there is a storm in the heart."
    " .. dan ada badai dalam hati . "
  • Looks like your uncle was right about the storm after all.
    Sepertinya pamanmu benar, akan ada badai.
  • Hey, I thought this was where the storm was supposed to hit.
    Kupikir disini akan ada badai.
  • There was a big storm here last week,wasn't there?
    Ada badai besar di sini minggu lalu, benarkan?
  • Is this the only boat that went out last night?
    Setelah ada badai. lngin membeli kepiting ya?
  • I heard Thailand is crazy because of the typhoon.
    Aku dengar ada badai menghantam Thailand.
  • Well, there's a big storm building, right off the coast.
    Ada badai besar di pesisir.
  • We've got a major storm system moving down the coast.
    Akan ada badai besar bergerak dari pantai.
  • Your father walks in the blizzard at the lake..
    Ayahmu keluar rumah, ada badai salju..
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