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contoh kalimat adipati kuyavia

"adipati kuyavia" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The friendly relations between Przemysł II and the Kuyavia Dukes proved to be durable and survived to the end of his reign.
    Hubungan persahabatan di antara Przemysł II dan para adipati Kuyavia terbukti bertahan lama sampai akhir masa pemerintahannya.
  • The Dukes of Kuyavia helped Andrew III to defeat Charles Martel of Anjou, who claimed the Hungarian throne after the death of his maternal uncle, King Ladislaus IV the Cuman, in 1290.
    Para adipati Kuyavia membantu András III mengalahkan Károly Martell, yang menuntut takhta Hongaria setelah kematian pamanda maternalnya, Raja László IV Cuman, pada tahun 1290.
  • In addition the Duke of Kujawy adopted Henry III's eldest son Henry as his heir, while ensuring that at the moment of his majority the Elbow-high would provide him with the Duchy of Poznań.
    Selain itu Adipati Kuyavia mengadopsi putra sulung Henryk III Henryk sebagai ahli warisnya, sambil memastikan bahwa pada saat ia dewasa Władysław yang Pendek akan memberinya Kadipaten Poznań.