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contoh kalimat adipati parma

"adipati parma" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Charles II, Duke of Parma was ousted.
    Karl II, Adipati Parma, berhasil dijatuhkan.
  • Her father was the Spanish Prince Philip, who was Duke of Parma in Italy.
    Ayahandanya adalah Pangeran Felipe, yang merupakan Adipati Parma di Italia.
  • The House of Bourbon continues to claim the title of duke of Parma to this day.
    Istana Bourbon terus mengklaim gelar Adipati Parma sampai sekarang.
  • On the front of the ducal palace in Parma was written Parma Resurget (Parma shall rise again).
    Di bagian depan istana adipati Parma ditulis Parma Resurget (Parma akan bangkit lagi).
  • The dukes of Savoy and Parma also provided galleys, and Alexander Farnese sailed in one.
    Adipati Savoia dan Adipati Parma juga menyiapkan kapal-kapal galai mereka, dan Aleksander Farnese menumpangi salah satunya.
  • Charles IV married his first cousin Maria Louisa, the daughter of Philip, Duke of Parma, in 1765.
    Charles IV menikahi sepupu pertamanya Maria Louisa, anak dari Philip, Adipati Parma, pada tahun 1765.
  • While awaiting communications from the Duke of Parma's army, the Armada was scattered by an English fireship attack.
    Sementara menunggu komunikasi dari angkatan bersenjata Adipati Parma, Armada Spanyol terpencar akibat serangan kapal api Inggris.
  • Its name of Bourbon-Parma comes from the main name (Bourbon) and the other (Parma) from the title of Duke of Parma.
    Nama Bourbon-Parma berasal dari nama utama (Bourbon) dan lainnya (Parma) dari gelar Adipati Parma.
  • The victory at Velletri assured Charles the right to give the title Duke of Parma to his younger brother Infante Felipe.
    Kemenangan di Velletri meyakinkan Carlos hak untuk dapat memberi gelar Adipati Parma kepada adiknya Infante Felipe.
  • The title was held by the Spanish Bourbons as the founder was the great-grandson of Duke Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma.
    Gelar itu disandang oleh bangsa Spanyol Bourbon sebagai buyut pendiri Ranuccio II Farnese, Adipati Parma.
  • During the French ownership of the Duchy of Parma, the title of Duke of Parma was used as an honorary form and style.
    Selama kepemilikan Prancis atas Wilayah Adipati Parma, gelar Adipati Parma digunakan sebagai bentuk dan gaya kehormatan.
  • During the French ownership of the Duchy of Parma, the title of Duke of Parma was used as an honorary form and style.
    Selama kepemilikan Prancis atas Wilayah Adipati Parma, gelar Adipati Parma digunakan sebagai bentuk dan gaya kehormatan.
  • Charles was from then on known as HRH Don Charles of Spain (or Borbón), Duke of Parma and Piacenza, Infante of Spain.
    Carlos sejak saat itu dikenal sebagai HRH Don Carlos dari Spanyol (atau Borbón), Adipati Parma dan Piacenza, Infante Spanyol.
  • The siege of Antwerp in the summer of 1585 by the Duke of Parma necessitated some reaction on the part of the English and the Dutch.
    Pengepungan Antwerpen pada musim panas tahun 1585 oleh Adipati Parma juga mengharuskan adanya tanggapan dari Inggris dan Belanda.
  • As a result, the Second Treaty of Vienna on 22 July 1731 officially recognised the young Infante Charles as Duke of Parma and Piacenza.
    Akibatnya, Traktat kedua Wina pada tanggal 22 Juli 1731 secara resmi mengakui Infante Carlos muda sebagai Adipati Parma dan Piacenza.
  • Through his eldest daughter, his present descendants include the Claimant Duke of Parma; the Pretending King of the Two Sicilies and the reigning Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
    Melalui putri sulungnya, keturunannya yang sekarang termasuk Adipati Parma; Raja Pretender Dua Sisilia dan yang bertakhta Adipati Agung Luksemburg.
  • Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte, the son of Marie Louise and Napoleon I, was at one time in the line of succession, but he was never Duke of Parma.
    Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte, putra Marie Louise dan Napoleon I dari Prancis pernah menjadi pewaris, namun tidak pernah menjadi Adipati Parma.
  • In 1731, the 15-year-old Charles became the Duke of Parma and Piacenza, as Charles I, following the death of his childless granduncle Antonio Farnese.
    Pada tahun 1731, Carlos yang berusia lima belas tahun menjadi Adipati Parma dan Piacenza, sebagai Carlo I, setelah kematian kakek (pamanda ibundanya) Antonio Farnese yang meninggal tanpa keturunan.
  • Born in Valentano, he was the second son of Pier Luigi Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, grandson of Pope Paul III, and brother to Cardinal Ranuccio Farnese.
    Lahir di Valentano, ia merupakan anak kedua dari Pierluigi Farnese, Adipati Parma dan Piacenza, cucu dari Paus Paulus III, dan abang dari Kardinal Ranuccio Farnese.
  • This was recognised in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle signed in 1748; it was not until the next year that Infante Felipe would officially be the Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla.
    Ini diakui di dalam Traktat Aix-la-Chapelle yang ditandatangani pada tahun 1748; Tidak sampai setahun Infante Felipe secara resmi akan menjadi Adipati Parma, Piacenza dan Guastalla.
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