contoh kalimat adjudged
- Today adjudged not guilty and the stock market back to normal.
Hari ini divonis tidak bersalah dan bursa saham kembali normal. - Station Officer Yau Bong-chill, adjudged to have violated the Fire Dept's code and so noted.
Petugas Yau Bong-chill, divonis karena melanggar aturan pemadam dan dicatat. - His offbeat film Kanchivaram was adjudged the best feature film at the 2007 National Film Awards.
Film Eksentriknya Kanchivaram diputuskan menjadi film fitur terbaik pada 2007 Film Awards Nasional. - The film was adjudged the best film of the 45th International Film Festival of India.
Film tersebut diangkat sebagai film terbaik tahun ini di Festival Film Internasional India ke-45. - Appius Claudius upheld the fabricated case of the claimant and adjudged Verginia to him without even listening to Verginius.
Appius Claudius menjunjung tinggi kasus penggugat dan memutuskan Verginia kepadanya, bahkan tanpa mendengarkan Verginius. - A CIA report written in 1966 adjudged the poll to be the most heavily manipulated in the first 11 years of South Vietnam's history.
Sebuah laporan CIA yang ditulis pada 1966 memutuskan pemilihan itu sebagai pemilihan yang paling dimanipulasi dalam 11 tahun pertama sejarah Vietnam Selatan. - Another is that the Alexandrian readings are adjudged more often to be the ones that can best explain the origin of all the variant readings found in other text-types.
Alasan lain adalah bacaan Alexandria dipandang lebih sering dapat menjelaskan asal usul berbagai bacaan varian pada jenis-jenis teks lain. - Louie Michael Casas was adjudged Best Goalkeeper; Jason Cordova as Best Defender; Aldrin Dolino as Best Midfielder and Ali Go as Most Valuable Player.
Louie Michael Casas mendapat gelar Kiper Terbaik; Jason Cordova sebagai Bek Terbaik; Aldrin Dolino sebagai Gelandang Terbaik dan Ali Pergi sebagai Pemain Paling Berharga. - The documents follow the same formalized structure, of which one between the gastald Daghiberto and the gastald Immo was adjudged by Adaloald, at Ticino, November 615.
Dokumen itu mengikuti struktur formalitas, di mana satu di antaranya adalah gastaldo Daghiberto dan gastaldo Immo telah divonis oleh Adaloald, di Ticino pada November 615. - Chairman of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI) Abu Bakar Ba'asyir who nicknamed Ustadz Abu, the Supreme Court adjudged free of charges related to terrorism cases and blasting
Ketua Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) Abu Bakar Ba'asyir yang akrab dipanggil Ustadz Abu, divonis Mahkamah Agung bebas dari dakwaan terkait dengan kasus terorisme dan peledakan - The fifth part is a catalogue of the "apocryphal books" and other writings which are to be rejected, presented as adjudged apocryphal "by Pope Gelasius and seventy most erudite bishops".
Bagian kelima merupakan katalog "kitab-kitab apokrif" dan tulisan-tulisan lain yang ditolak, disajikan sebagai yang daftar yang diputuskan apokrif "oleh Paus Gelasius dan tujuh puluh uskup yang paling terpelajar". - Any disputes or conflicts can’t be solved amicably will be litigate to the court and adjudged by law, hereby, Party A and Party B agree that judgment of the court is competent in interrogating and solving lawsuits
3. Apabila musyawarah tidak berhasil, perselisihan tersebut akan diselesaikan melalui pengadilan, maka, Pihak A dan Pihak B menyetujui kuasa pengadilan dalam proses pertanyaan dan penyelesaiannya. - Byeong Jeong Yoon was adjudged the Most Valuable Player while his teammates Joshua Beloya (Best Midfielder), Jae Hun Hyeon (best goalkeeper) and Keon Hyeong Park (best defender) shared individual honors with him.
Byeong Jeong Yoon mendapat gelar Pemain Paling Berharga bersama rekan setimnya Joshua Beloya (Best Midfielder), Jae Hun Hyeon (kiper terbaik) dan Keon Hyeong Park (best defender) bersama individu kehormatan dengan dia. - For if anyone were to eat of the leg of our first parent (Adam) although he was not born of flesh, that person could not be adjudged innocent of eating meat.
Sebab jikalau ada orang yang makan bagian dari paha orang tua pertama kita (Adam), yang adalah benar-benar daging meski tidak lahir dari daging, orang tersebut tidak dapat divonis tak bersalah karena makan daging. - After winning the second race at the Monza round in May, Vergne was given a time penalty and demoted to third place after he was adjudged to have cut a chicane in order to maintain the lead of the race.
Setelah memenangkan balapan kedua di putaran Monza pada bulan Mei, Vergne diberi hukuman waktu dan diturunkan ke tempat ketiga setelah ia divonis melakukan kecurangan saat lomba. - Begg adjudged that the narrowness of the Strait combined with local geographical features restricted the ships' movement and negated their radar, while custom prevented the carrier from flying its aircraft or even carrying them on deck, rendering it and the escorts extremely vulnerable in case of attack.
Begg memvonis bahwa sempitnya Selat Sunda berkombinasi dengan fitur geografis lokal membatasi gerakan kapal dan menegasi radar, sementara kustom mencegah operator dari menerbangkan pesawat atau membawanya di dek, membuat kapal dan yang mengawal sangat rentan jika diserang.