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contoh kalimat adventure fiction

"adventure fiction" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • They shared a love of science fiction, adventure fiction, and movies.
    Mereka berbagi cerita tentang kecintaan terhadap fiksi ilmiah, petualangan fiksi, dan film.
  • 1997 - 16th Japanese adventure fiction association special prize and 117th Naoki Prize for The Stationmaster and other stories (short story collection).
    1997 - hadiah khusus ke-16 asosiasi petualangan fiksi Jepang dan 117 hadiah Naoki untuk Sang kepala stasiun dan cerita lain '(kumpulan cerita pendek).
  • As an author, Soeman wrote stories which emphasized suspense and humour, drawing on Western detective and adventure fiction as well as classical Malay literature.
    Sebagai seorang pengarang, Soeman menulis cerita-cerita yang bertemakan suspens dan humor, menggambarkan fiksi detektif dan petualangan Barat serta sastra Melayu klasik.
  • Despite this success, the magazine had a reputation for low-quality space opera and adventure fiction, and modern literary historians refer to it in dismissive terms.
    Walau demikian, majalah ini memiliki reputasi untuk kualitas rendah Space opera dan petualangan fiksi, dan para sejarawan sastra merujuk ke dalam istilah meremehkan.
  • Previously he wrote nautical adventure fiction under the name Jon Williams, a series of historical novels set during the age of sail, Privateers and Gentlemen (1981–1984).
    Sebelumnya, ia menulis fiksi petualangan nautikal dengan nama Jon Williams, sebuah serial novel sejarah berlatar zaman pelayaran, Privateers and Gentlemen (1981–1984). ^ "The Nautical Fiction List" (T–Z).
  • He eventually wrote propaganda for the British war effort during World War I. He was elected Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities in 1927, but he spent most of his time on his writing career, notably writing The Thirty-Nine Steps and other adventure fiction.
    Pada 1927, Buchan terpilih menjadi Anggota Parlemen untuk Combined Scottish Universities, namuna ia menjalani sebagian besar waktunya untuk berkarier menulis, utamanya menulis The Thirty-Nine Steps dan fiksi petualangan lainnya.