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contoh kalimat aedui

"aedui" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A general council was summoned at Bibracte (Autun, in Burgundy), the capital of the Aedui, once Caesar's loyal supporters.
    Persidangan Majelis Utama (general council) kemudian diadakan di Bibracte atas prakarsa Aedui, yang sebelumnya merupakan penyokong setia Caesar.
  • The Sequani then appealed to Caesar, who drove back the Germanic tribesmen (58 BCE), but at the same time obliged the Sequani to surrender all that they had gained from the Aedui.
    Sequani kemudian meminta bantuan kepada Caesar yang kemudian mengusir suku-suku Jermanik tersebut (58 SM), tetapi pada saat yang sama Caesar mengharuskan Sequani menyerahkan wilayah yang mereka rebut dari Aedui.
  • Although his assistance enabled them to defeat the Aedui, the Sequani were worse off than before, for Ariovistus deprived them of a third of their territory and threatened to take another third, while subjugating them into semi-slavery.
    Walaupun berkat bala bantuan ini mereka dapat mengalahkan Aedui, Ariovistus mengambil sepertiga wilayah mereka, mengancam akan mengambil sepertiga wilayah lainnya, dan memperlakukan mereka seperti budak.
  • In Latin commemorative inscriptions, individuals with Celtic names rarely identify themselves as "Celtic" or "Gallic"; they are much more likely to name the people of their civitas (such as Aedui, Remi, Pictones) or their voting tribe (tribus) as Roman citizens.
    Dalam inskripsi peringatan Latin, individu-individu dengan nama Keltik jarang menganggap diri mereka sebagai orang "Kelt" atau "Galia"; mereka lebih mungkin menyebut nama civitas mereka (seperti Aedui, Remi, Pictones) atau tribus mereka sebagai warga Romawi.