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contoh kalimat after the fact

"after the fact" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Kinda hard to suss that out after the fact though.
    semacam makanan yang sangat pedas mungkin.
  • You just admitted to being an accessory after the fact.
    Anda hanya mengaku menjadi aksesori setelah fakta.
  • At a minimum, she was an accessory after the fact.
    Minimum, dia menutupi sebuah fakta.
  • I was an accessory after the fact.
    Saya hanya terlibat karena mengetahui hal itu.
  • No point killing her after the fact, right, counselor?
    Tidak berguna membunuhnya Apalagi setelah kenyataan itu benar, konselor?
  • His body was moved inside after the fact.
    Tubuhnya dibawa ke dalam setelah kejadian.
  • We always get there after the fact.
    Kami selalu sampai di sana setelah kejadian.
  • At the very least, I'm an accessory after the fact.
    Setidaknya, aku tahu faktanya.
  • And you were pretty shaken after the fact.
    Dan kau cukup terguncang dengan faktanya.
  • You are now an accessory after the fact.
    Anda hanya dipakainya menyembunyikan fakta.
  • You'd be making us accessories after the fact.
    Kau buat kami penutup kejahatanmu.
  • Well, criminal conspiracy, fraud, accessory after the fact, at the very least.
    Yah, konspirasi kriminal, penipuan, menyembunyikan fakta, setidaknya.
  • I never knew about Geneva until after the fact.
    Aku tak pernah tahu tentang Jenewa sampai setelah kejadian itu.
  • Or it was taken off after the fact.
    Atau itu dilenyapkan setelah kejadian.
  • That makes us accomplices after the fact.
    Itu membuat kita sebagai kaki tangannya.
  • And that makes me an accessory after the fact
    Dan itu membuat posisiku
  • But my say is after the fact.
    Tapi aku mengatakannya setelah kejadian.
  • We can try you as accomplice to that murder after the fact.
    Kami bisa mendakwamu sebagai kaki tangan pembunuh itu.
  • Hey, it was after the fact, I didn't think anybody would
    Hei, setelah faktanya begitu, aku tidak berpikir orang akan
  • Otherwise all of you will be deemed accessories after the fact.
    Jika tidak kalian semua akan dianggap teroris dalam negara
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