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contoh kalimat afternoon

"afternoon" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The Navy's gonna fly Mother home this afternoon.
    Angkatan Laut akan terbang pulang Ibu sore ini.
  • What do I do with my free afternoon?
    Apa yang harus kulakukan dengan akhir pekan Jum'atku?
  • This afternoon when we were over by their house
    Sore ini ketika kami lewat depan rumahnya
  • We'll postpone the tour of the house till this afternoon.
    Berkeliling rumah ditunda sampai sore ini.
  • I think I rather sprained my wrist this afternoon.
    Pergelangan tangan saya agak terkilir sore ini.
  • This afternoon I'll go see Mr. Dame –
    Sore ini saya akan pergi melihat Mr Dame
  • Cyrus sent an emissary this afternoon to make sure.
    Cyrus mengirim kurir siang ini untuk memastikannya.
  • Your wife died this afternoon in the operating room.
    Istrimu meninggal di ruang operasi sore ini.
  • Avery says last Friday you took the afternoon off.
    Avery mengatakan Jumat lalu kamu pulang sore.
  • The Moroltos are coming here, Memphis, this afternoon.
    Keluarga Morolto datang ke sini, Memphis, sore ini.
  • We buried him this afternoon in the municipal graveyard.
    Kami menguburkannya... sore tadi... di pemakaman kota.
  • This is more important than his afternoon tea.
    Ini lebih penting dari acara minum teh sorenya.
  • But you're out of the hotel this afternoon.
    Tapi kau harus keluar dari hotel sore ini.
  • It's afternoon when I wake up in Taipei.
    Hal ini siang, ketika aku terbangun di Taipei.
  • Tell me, Davidov what happened this afternoon?
    Katakan kepadaku, Davidov Apa yang telah terjadi sore tadi?
  • You have to stay here until tomorrow afternoon.
    Anda harus tinggal di sini sampai besok siang.
  • You gonna keep me out here all afternoon?
    Apa kau akan membiarkanku diluar sepanjang sore ini?
  • Who takes a three-hour nap in the afternoon?
    Siapa yang pernah tidur 3 jam disore hari?
  • You haven't forgotten Lady Wrightwood's this afternoon, have you?
    Kamu tidak melupakan Lady Wrightwood sore ini,kan?
  • Mr. Darling had been practicing small talk all afternoon.
    Tn. Darling telah berlatih berbasa-basi sepanjang hari.
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