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contoh kalimat agen perumahan

"agen perumahan" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Japanese real estate agents. Some apartments for Craig-san.
    Agen perumahan Jepang bawakan info Apartemen untuk Craig-san.
  • Hubby, I checked with the property agent today.
    Suamiku, aku tadi sudah bertanya kepada agen perumahan.
  • Did you rent a place with the estate agent?
    Apakah kamu menyewa tempat lewat agen perumahan Idiot.
  • He is the son of the real estate tycoon,
    Dia anak dari pemilik agen perumahan
  • I'll get the car. We'll call some estate agents.
    Akan kuambil mobil, kita akan telpon agen perumahan,
  • So Janine says you're a real-estate agent.
    Jadi Janine mengatakan Kamu seorang agen perumahan.
  • Well, I think it was Edith, from the board.
    Kurasa Edith dari agen perumahan.
  • Oliver went back to being an estate agent
    Oliver kembali jadi agen perumahan mewah.
  • Talk to every estate agency, every broker.
    Bicaralah pada setiap agen perumahan dan makelar.
  • Her husband is a commercial real estate broker,
    Suaminya seorang agen perumahan komersial,
  • You just need to reach out to the residential agency in Durango.
    Kau cuma perlu menghubungi agen perumahan di Durango.
  • Coldwell Banker, I'm a real estate agent!
    Coldwell Banker, aku agen perumahan!
  • Well, I was a real estate agent.
    Ya, aku seorang agen perumahan.
  • Not like a real estate agent, okay?
    Tidak seperti agen perumahan, oke?
  • "A spot has just opened at Wayward Pines Realty Associates.
    "Sebuah posisi kosong baru saja tersedia di asosiasi agen perumahan Wayward Pines."
  • Hello, Moira the estate agent.
    Halo, Moira agen perumahan.
  • I'm a real estate agent!
    Aku agen perumahan mewah.
  • This ah I trust in the real estate company who introduced the trust Look good
    Karena aku agen perumahan, jadi diberikan tempat yang layak.
  • Welcome to the Repair Reporting System for McGeown Estate Agents.
    Selamat datang di perbaikan sistem pelaporan untuk agen perumahan McGeown.
  • Such is the case of Gretchen Thomas, a successful real-estate agent, wife, mother.
    Seperti kasus Gretchen Thomas, seorang ibu, istri dan agen perumahan yang sukses.
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