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contoh kalimat agnes of babenberg

"agnes of babenberg" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He probably received this domain already between 1124 and 1125 after his marriage with Agnes of Babenberg.
    Ia mungkin telah menerima wilayah ini pada sekitar tahun 1124 dan 1125 setelah menikahi Agnes dari Babenberg.
  • According to the chronicler Wincenty Kad?ubek, the confrontation between the siblings was mainly instigated by W?adys?aw II's wife, Agnes of Babenberg, who believed that her husband, as the eldest son, was the rightful sole ruler of the whole country.
    Menurut penulis sejarah Wincenty Kad?ubek, konfrontasi di antara bersaudara itu terutama dipicu oleh W?adys?aw II dan istrinya, Agnieszka Babenberg, yang percaya bahwa suaminya, sebagai putra sulung, merupakan penguasa tunggal yang sah di seluruh negeri.