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contoh kalimat ahl al-bayt

"ahl al-bayt" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • As Noah's Ark was the sole salvation of his people, ahl al-Bayt was the only salvation for the people of that time.
    Karena Bahtera Nuh adalah satu-satunya keselamatan umatnya, ahlul bait adalah satu-satunya keselamatan bagi orang-orang pada waktu itu.
  • What is the law of drawing and installing the picture of the Messenger of God peace be upon him and his household and the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt?
    About the last prophet Sallalah Alaihi wa ’Alihi wa Sallam and his virtues
  • [16] The book Shinākh Nāmah Ahl al-Bayt by ‘Alī Rafī‘ī ‘Alāmrūdashtī, pages 301-308, was used in this article and for more information one can refer to it.
    [17]. Utamanya yang ditulis dalam tulisan ini kebanyakan diadopsi dari kitab Syenakht Name Ahlulbait karya Ali Rafi' Alamardusyti, hal. 301-308. Untuk keterangan lebih jauh silahkan Anda merujuk ke kitab yang dimaksud.
  • Shaykh Umar was also known to have immense love for the Ahl al-Bayt (the members of the household of the Prophet ?); his love of the Ahl al-Bayt gained him the love of his Lord and this love increased the blessings that have been bestowed upon Shaykh Umar.
    Indahnya Rumahtangga Rasulullah ? oleh Habib Kazhim Bin Ja’far Al Saqqaf
  • Shaykh Umar was also known to have immense love for the Ahl al-Bayt (the members of the household of the Prophet ?); his love of the Ahl al-Bayt gained him the love of his Lord and this love increased the blessings that have been bestowed upon Shaykh Umar.
    Indahnya Rumahtangga Rasulullah ? oleh Habib Kazhim Bin Ja’far Al Saqqaf
  • According to Mohammadi, the destruction could be carried out with the purpose of indicating victory over Shia, as al-Baqi is the burial place of a number of Shia Imams and members of Ahl al-Bayt ("People of the House") – Muhammad's family.
    Menurut Mohammadi, penghancuran dijadikan sebagai tanda kemenangan terhadap Syi'ah, karena terdapat kuburan beberapa Imam Syi'ah di pemakaman Al-Baqi dan juga para Ahlul Bayt (Keluarga Muhammad).