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contoh kalimat air force

"air force" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Marines, Air Force, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, N.Y.P.D.
    Marinir, Angkatan Udara, Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Darat. N.Y.P.D.
  • I've read all about your adventure on Air Force One.
    Aku baca "Petualangan-mu di Pesawat Presiden".
  • Edie, they heard me! They're coming! Air force rescue 2-3-1.
    Mereka datang! Angkatan Udara penyelamatan 2-3-1.
  • Air Force Stallion C-1 4 to Coast Guard.
    Air Force Stallion C-1 4 kepada Coast Guard.
  • Return with our escort to Hanscom Air Force base.
    Kembali dengan kami ke Pangkalan AU Hanscom.
  • Letters don't cut it in the Air Force, Reba.
    Surat tidak dipotong di Angkatan Udara, Reba.
  • Right. But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force.
    Tapi kita butuh Angkatan Udara.
  • Get Air Force One ready and send a chopper.
    Siapkan Air Force One dan kirim helikopter.
  • We have five bases Air Force in South Carolina
    Kami arahkan ke bandara di Selatan Caroline.
  • Could they have taken out the whole Air Force?
    Mungkinkah mereka telah menghabisi seluruh Angkatan Udara?
  • When the great Mexican Air Force needed help,
    Ketika Angkatan Udara Meksiko yang hebat membutuhkan bantuan,
  • Yeah, the air force is full of alternative units.
    Ya, angkatan udara adalah penuh unit alternatif.
  • My friend Tasha here at the Air Force rains hellfire.
    Temanku Tasha di AU menembakkan rudal.
  • You get a hold of Walter's Air Force Reserve records.
    Kau cari catatan Air Force Walter.
  • Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be Air Force.
    Mungkin kita beruntung dan mereka hanyalah AU.
  • My Air Force buddies call them 'go pills.'
    Temanku di Angkatan Udara menyebut ini "pil pemberani."
  • Nah, you're too fucking big for the air force.
    Nah, kamu terlalu besar untuk angkatan udara.
  • Wait, isn't the Luke Air Force Base over there?
    Tunggu, bukankah itu Luke Air Force Base?
  • An-30B Version designed for the Soviet Air Force.
    An-30B Versi yang dirancang bagi Angkatan Udara Soviet.
  • Additionally, Bhutan does not have an air force.
    Selain itu Bhutan juga tidak memiliki angkatan udara.
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