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contoh kalimat aj

"aj" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Look, all we wanna do is talk to you, AJ.
    Kami hanya ingin bicara denganmu, AJ.
  • It's not fair? Well, welcome to the real world, AJ.
    Selamat datang di kehidupan nyata, AJ.
  • I hang up, AJ, you dead in 24 hours.
    Kau akan mati kurang dari 24 jam.
  • AJ, take this medic to the back room.
    AJ, mengambil tenaga medis ini ke ruang belakang.
  • OK. I've been checking our suspect's file. His name's AJ Sebastian.
    Aku baru selidiki "Tersangka".
  • L'm AJ from "106 Park" , BET's top ten live!
    B. E. T. 's Top 10 Live!
  • Andy Jeffries. Sounds like an AJ to me.
    Andy Jeffries. kedengarannya seperti AJ to me.
  • AJ, we can't leave him like this.
    AJ, kita tidak bisa meninggalkan dia seperti ini.
  • How you wanna handle this whole thing with AJ?
    Bagaimana kau mengurus si AJ ini?
  • Nobody's information is safe, unless AJ makes it safe.
    Tak ada yang aman, jika disitu ada AJ.
  • Listen, AJ, I don't have time to play games with you.
    Aku tak punya waktu untuk bermain.
  • No, you definitely didn't ask me to prom, AJ.
    Tidak, kau tidak pernah mengajakku datang ke prom, AJ.
  • What the fuck are you talking about AJ? Huh?
    Apa yang kau bicarakan, AJ?
  • Got a visual on AJ. He's in the parking lot.
    Dapat kabar dari AJ Dia di tempat parkir.
  • You'll be okay. It doesn't look that bad! AJ, get your ass
    Kau tak apa, tidak terlihat buruk.
  • Now, listen, James, I hate to agree with AJ, but he's got a point.
    James, aku benci mengatakannya.
  • Look, whoever's after AJ, really needs to get to him.
    Siapapun yang mengejar AJ, kita harus cepat menangkapnya.
  • AJ, your girlfriend told us about the money you stole.
    AJ, wanitamu bilang tentang uang yang kau curi.
  • Okay, AJ, I'm headed in the office right now.
    Aku ada didalam kantornya sekarang.
  • Okay, AJ. I'm at the computer.
    Baiklah AJ, aku sudah di komputernya, pandu aku.
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