contoh kalimat alan bullock
- Some researchers, including William L. Shirer and Alan Bullock, are of the opinion that the NSDAP itself was responsible for starting the fire.
Para peneliti, termasuk William L. Shirer dan Alan Bullock, berpendapat bahwa NSDAP sendiri yang memulai kebakaran tersebut. - According to Alan Bullock, "the total Soviet grain crop was no worse than that of 1931 ... it was not a crop failure but the excessive demands of the state, ruthlessly enforced, that cost the lives of as many as five million Ukrainian peasants."
Menurut sejarawan Britania Raya Alan Bullock, "jumlah panen gandum Soviet tak lebih buruk ketimbang tahun 1931 ... ini bukanlah kegagalan panen, tetapi tuntutan berlebihan dari negara yang ditegakkan secara keji yang mengakibatkan kematian hingga lima juta petani Ukraina."