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contoh kalimat albright institute of archaeological research

"albright institute of archaeological research" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research Jerusalem Quarterly article on the Albright Institute
    W. F. Albright Institut Penelitian Arkeologi Yerusalem Triwulanan artikel di Albright Institute ^
  • The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR), is an archaeological research institution located in East Jerusalem.
    Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (lengkapnya "W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research", AIAR), adalah sebuah lembaga penelitian arkeologi yang terletak di Yerusalem Timur.
  • The inscription was discovered in the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research Tel Miqne excavations of Ekron led by Seymour Gitin and Trude Dothan.
    Prasasti itu ditemukan pada suatu proyek Albright Institute of Archaeological Research untuk penggalian Tel Miqne di Ekron yang dipimpin oleh Seymour Gitin dan Trude Dothan.