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contoh kalimat antri

"antri" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Line up, don't you think a handsome smartguyneednot lineup?
    Berbaris. Cowo Ganteng Cerdas juga Harus Antri!
  • Told you to line up Also this virgin here
    saya bilang antri juga perawan cantik ini
  • Never get behind people traveling with infants.
    Jangan pernah antri di belakang orang yang membawa balita.
  • Girls lining up to have sex with you?
    Ya, banyak gadis antri untuk berhubungan seks denganmu?
  • Not to stand in line for my own shower.
    Tidak perlu antri untuk ke kamar mandi.
  • You lined up 4 hrs for her 2 tickets
    Oh.. kau antri 4 jam buat tiket ini
  • Bet you they line up to hear this one.
    Yakin mereka antri untuk mendengar yg satu ini.
  • Hey there, no cutting in, keep your place in line.
    Jangan se-enaknya, tolong ikut "Antri".
  • They are wishing to see Miss Gum Tso too
    Mereka juga Antri Nona Gum Tso.
  • I saw people lining up for your meal box.
    Aku lihat orang-orang antri beli nasi kotak mu.
  • Alright, come on. You'll have the rest of the pilgrims.
    Ayo, cepat, banyak yang antri.
  • There are so many people in line for the bathroom.
    Ada banyak sekali yang antri di toilet.
  • I was thinking more along the lines of Yankee tickets.
    Aku berpikir lagi saat antri di tiket Yankee.
  • All third-class passengers queue here for health inspection.
    Semua penumpang kelas tiga antri di sini untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan.
  • Which leaves the ferries with 30,000 ready to board.
    Tinggal kapal feri, dan 30 ribu orang sudah antri.
  • If you want a quote, you'll have to get in line.
    Jika kau ingin menyela, kau harus antri.
  • You better get in line before the pot runs dry, mama.
    Kau sebaiknya antri sebelum potnya kering, mama.
  • Who's lining up to buy that?
    Siapa yang mau antri membeli hal seperti itu?
  • His mom has still to fill the form.
    Ibunya masih antri mengisi formulir.
  • Looks like a French anti personnel mine lf you're lucky
    Sepertinya ranjau antri tentara milik Perancis. Jika kau beruntung.
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