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contoh kalimat around the bend

"around the bend" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Just around the bend on the beach, not far.
    Hanya sekitar tikungan di pantai, tidak jauh.
  • No need to go around the bend, just say it
    Tidak perlu berputar-putar, katakan saja
  • Even though we can't see around the bend
    Meskipun kita tidak dapat melihat di tikungan
  • Picking up someone headed towards us around the bend.
    Ada seseorang yang menuju ke kita di tikungan.
  • She done gone around the bend a little.
    Oh ya ya, dia mulai pikun.
  • They always sunk before they got around the bend.
    Perahunya selalu hanyut sebelum tersangkut.
  • You have a great day, fellas. We'll see you around the bend.
    selamat bersenang-senang, teman sampai jumpa di tikungan.
  • You have gone around the bend on this.
    Kamu harus mulai dari sekitar.
  • We're goin' up around the bend!
    We're goin' up around the bend!
  • I was just comin' around the bend.
    Aku hanya comin 'di tikungan.
  • Right up around the bend, just chill.
    Tepat di tikungan, pelan saja.
  • They're heading around the bend here, toward Bach Dang River.
    Mereka menuju tikungan di sekitar sini, melalui Sungai Bach Dang.
  • Yes. Around the bend. There you go.
    Melewati tikungan. itu dia.
  • Catching those beauties coming around the bend makes a man feel alive.
    Penangkapan orang-orang cantik datang di tikungan membuat pria merasa hidup.
  • It's rollin' around the bend
    Ini bergelut di tikungan
  • There. Right around the bend.
    Disana. tepat di tikungan.
  • Truck's coming around the bend.
    Tahan! - 1.7 derajat.
  • Babes - Danielle Trixie - Around the Bend
    Babes - danielle trixie - sekitar itu tikungan
  • Summer around the bend.
    Musim panas yang menggila.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2