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contoh kalimat by the side of

"by the side of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Now they're living in the mine's tunnels by the side of the farm.
    Di tambang, dekat peternakan
  • The day is printed by the side of every pill.
    Hari itu dicetak di sisi setiap pil.
  • Can't we leave him by the side of the road?
    Bisakah kita tinggalkan dia di tepi jalan?
  • We found her by the side of the road.
    Kami menemukannya di pinggir jalan.
  • Your sister sits by the side of the king.
    Adikmu duduk di sisi raja.
  • Yesterday, CBI consultant Jane's car was found abandoned by the side of the road.
    Kemarin, mobilkonsultanCBIJane ditemukanditinggalkan dipinggirjalan.
  • She was found by the side of the road, barely alive.
    Dia ditemukan di pinggir jalan, hampir mati. sendiri
  • There is a lone fox by the side of the Qi.
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  • Woke up by the side of the damn road.
    Terbangun di pinggir jalan.
  • Big place, by the side of the road.
    Tempatnya besar, di sisi jalan
  • I was just playing by the side of the bed and--
    Aku hanya bermain di sisi tempat tidur dan -
  • Youstop at three orange cones by the side of the road.
    Kau berhenti di segitiga kerucut oranye di pinggir jalan.
  • There is evidence of a scuffle by the side of the road above.
    Ada bukti perkelahian di jalan raya di atasnya.
  • She laid there bleeding by the side of the road, cold and alone.
    Dia terbaring berdarah di jalanan, dingin dan sendirian.
  • Bodies in the morgues, bodies in the hospitals, bodies by the side of the road.
    Mayat di rumah mati, rumah sakit, disisi jalanan.
  • And there's James Hunt's McLaren, smoking stationary by the side of the road.
    dan itu McLaren-nya James Hunt! mesinnya berasap di luar lintasan.
  • by the side of the Mumbai Airport expressway,
    di pinggir jalan tol Bandara Mumbai ini,
  • Experience its majesty and splendor by the side of the hotel...
    Alami keagungan dan keindahan di tepi kolam renang...
  • We get kicked around, and left to die somewhere by the side of the road.
    Kami telah dibuang... ke kematian anjing di suatu tempat.
  • And someone left her by the side of the road like a piece of trash.
    Dan seseorang meninggalkannya di sisi jalan seperti sepotong sampah.
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