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contoh kalimat cheaper by the dozen

"cheaper by the dozen" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He then produced the sequel, Cheaper By The Dozen 2, which was released in 2005.
    Sekuelnya adalah Cheaper by the Dozen 2 yang dirilis bulan Desember 2005.
  • Mother of twelve children as described by the book Cheaper by the Dozen.
    Kesibukan pasangan ini yang beranak dua belas digambarkan dalam novel Cheaper by the Dozen dan Belles on Their Toes.
  • It is the sequel to the family comedy film Cheaper by the Dozen (2003).
    Untuk film, lihat Cheaper by the Dozen (film tahun 1950), dan Cheaper by the Dozen (film tahun 2003).
  • Cheaper by the Dozen was made into a 1950 motion picture, starring Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy as Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
    Film Cheaper by the Dozen dibuat tahun 1950 dengan bintang Clifton Webb dan Myrna Loy sebagai Frank dan Lillian Gilbreth.
  • In 2005, he appeared in the film Cheaper by the Dozen 2 and starred in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D.
    Pada tahun 2005, dia tampil dalam film Cheaper by the Dozen 2 dan membintangi The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D .
  • Months later, he played Eliot Murtaugh in Cheaper by the Dozen 2, which was panned by critics, being named one of the "Worst Films of the 2000s" by Rotten Tomatoes.
    Berbulan-bulan kemudian, dia berperan sebagai Eliot Murtaugh dalam Cheaper by the Dozen 2, yang dinobatkan oleh para kritikus, sebagai salah satu "Film Terburuk di tahun 2000-an" oleh Rotten Tomatoes.
  • Padalecki had an uncredited role as a high school bully in 2003's comedy Cheaper by the Dozen, which he played after being asked by fellow actor and friend Tom Welling, who played Charlie Baker, and the director of the movie, who wanted someone larger than Charlie to pick on him.
    Padalecki mendapatkan peran tanpa nama sebagai anak sekolah nakal di film komedi tahun 2003, Cheaper by the Dozen, di mana dia berperan setelah diminta oleh rekan aktor dan temannya Tom Welling, yang memerankan Charlie Baker, dan sutradara film itu, yang menginginkan seseorang yang lebih besar daripada Charlie untuk mengganggu Charlie.