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contoh kalimat columbia river

"columbia river" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • ? Planning Commission opposes Port Westward expansion on Columbia River
    ? Komisi Perencanaan menentang Pelabuhan Westward ekspansi pada Columbia River
  • The Columbia River is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest region of North America.
    Sungai Columbia adalah sungai terbesar di kawasan Pacific Northwest di Amerika Utara.
  • The confluence of the Yakima, Snake, and Columbia rivers has been a meeting place for native peoples for centuries.
    Pertemuan sungai Yakima, Ular, dan Columbia menjadi tempat bertemu penduduk asli selama berabad-abad.
  • Rock Island Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington.
    Bendungan Grand Coulee adalah bendungan hidroelektrik di sungai Columbia di negara bagian Washington di Amerika Serikat.
  • His Columbia River trading post at Fort Astoria (established in April 1811) was the first United States community on the Pacific coast.
    Pos Perdagangan Columbia River di Fort Astoria (dibentuk bulan April 1811) merupakan komunitas masyarakat pertama di pantai Pasifik.
  • On September 15, after hiking for 94 days, Strayed reaches the Bridge of the Gods on the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington, ending her journey.
    Pada tanggal 15 September, setelah mendaki selama 94 hari, Cheryl tiba di Bridge of the Gods di Sungai Columbia antara Oregon dan Washington, mengakhiri petualangannya.
  • The Hanford Site is a mostly decommissioned nuclear production complex on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, operated by the United States federal government.
    Situs Hanford adalah komplek produksi nuklir yang paling banyak didekomisionasikan yang dioperasikan oleh pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat di Sungai Columbia di negara bagian A.S. Washington.
  • The sheriff of Cowlitz County proposed that Cooper accidentally dropped a few bundles on the airstair, which then blew off the aircraft and fell into the Columbia River.
    Kepala kepolisian Cowlitz County menduga bahwa Cooper secara tidak sengaja menjatuhkan beberapa paket dari pintu buritan, yang kemudian terbawa arus angin dan jatuh di Sungai Columbia.
  • Initial statements by investigators and scientific consultants were founded on the assumption that the bundled bills washed freely into the Columbia River from one of its many connecting tributaries.
    Pernyataan awal oleh para investigator dan ilmuwan fokus pada asumsi bahwa paket-paket tersebut terbawa oleh arus sungai dan berasal dari salah satu anak sungai Columbia.
  • Many early safety procedures and waste disposal practices were inadequate, and government documents have confirmed that Hanford's operations released significant amounts of radioactive materials into the air and the Columbia River.
    Banyak prosedur keselamatan dini dan praktik pembuangan limbah tidak mencukupi, dan dokumen pemerintah telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa operasi Hanford mengeluarkan sejumlah besar bahan radioaktif ke udara dan Sungai Columbia.
  • At the same time, snow, ice and several entire glaciers on the volcano melted, forming a series of large lahars (volcanic mudslides) that reached as far as the Columbia River, nearly 50 miles (80 km) to the southwest.
    Di saat bersamaan, salju, es dan gletser-gletser di sekitar gunung berapi meleleh, menghasilkan banjir lahar besar yang mencapai Sungai Columbia, sejauh 80 kilometer di barat daya.
  • By 1963, the Hanford Site was home to nine nuclear reactors along the Columbia River, five reprocessing plants on the central plateau, and more than 900 support buildings and radiological laboratories around the site.
    Pada tahun 1963, Situs Hanford adalah rumah bagi sembilan reaktor nuklir di sepanjang Sungai Columbia, lima pabrik pengolahan ulang di dataran tinggi tengah, dan lebih dari 900 bangunan pendukung dan laboratorium radiologi di sekitar lokasi.
  • Other circumstantial evidence included a 1979 trip to Seattle and the Columbia River, during which Weber took a walk alone along the river bank in the Tina Bar area; four months later Brian Ingram made his ransom cash discovery in the same area.
    Bukti tak langsung yang lain termasuk kunjunagn ke Seattle dan Sungai Columbia pada 1979, di mana Weber berjalan-jalan sepanjan tepian sungai; empat bulan kemudian, Brian Ingram melakukan penemuan uang tebsan di area yang sama.