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contoh kalimat community service

"community service" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Academics, athletics, community service, debate, and school spirit.
    Akademisi, atletik, pelayanan masyarakat, perdebatan, dan semangat sekolah.
  • Get him off with a fine, maybe community service.
    Mengeluarkan dia dengan baik, sebagai pelayanan komunitas.
  • You are sentenced to twenty hours of community service.
    Anda dihukum dua puluh jam pelayanan masyarakat.
  • Along with a slightly stale whiff of community service.
    Bersama dengan bau busuk dari pelayanan masyarakat.
  • You owe me community service for the next year.
    Kamu berhutang pelayanan masyarakat untuk tahun depan.
  • Forty hours of community service is not funny.
    40 jam untuk pelayanan masyarakat tidaklah lucu.
  • I'm hereby sentencing you to community service.
    Disini aku akan memberimu hukuman sebagai pelayan masyarakat.
  • I got community service every day this week, man.
    aku punya tugas tiap hari di minggu ini.
  • Put it on our college apps as community service.
    Taruh di aplikasi kampus kita sebagai pelayanan masyarakat.
  • I didn't get expelled. I got community service.
    Gua gak dikeluarin gua mesti kerja sosial.
  • He would probably be doing community service with Tan.
    Dia mungkin melakukan pelayanan masyarakat dengan Tan .
  • You're looking at probation, community service, and counseling.
    Kau berada dalam masa percobaan, layanan masyarakat, dan konseling.
  • Fucking prick gave me a community service order.
    Si brengsek itu memberiku hukuman pelayanan masyarakat.
  • What's important is that we are his community service.
    Intinya adalah, dia dihukum untuk berada di sini.
  • Every student needs to complete 30 hours of community service.
    Setiap siswa harus menyelesaikan 30 Jam pelayanan masyarakat.
  • Three months home arrest, some community service,
    tiga bulan penahana rumah, beberapa layanan masyarakat,
  • His crew does community service. I don't give a shit!
    Kelompoknya melakukan pekerjaan amal.
  • Now, what's going on with the community service?
    Sekarang, selanjutnya bagaimana dengan layanan masyarakat?
  • The community service will do you good.
    Hukuman kerja sosial akan bagus untukmu.
  • I still got to do my community service here anyway.
    Aku tetap harus melakukan tugas layanan komunitas di sini.
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