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contoh kalimat credit note

"credit note" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Sales credits daybook, for recording sales credit notes.
    Buku harian kredit penjualan, untuk mencatatkan semua nota kredit penjualan.
  • Thank you, that was quick! Could you send me the credit note?
    Terima kasih, itu tadi cepat! Dapatkah Anda mengirimi saya nota kredit?
  • Simplify your purchase order, invoice, receipt, credit note & goods received note generations
    Otomotiskan pembuatan purchase order, faktur, tanda terima, nota kredit & dan lainnya.
  • Manage your purchase orders, credit notes, delivery orders and GRN easily in a single repository.
    Kelola purchase order, nota kredit, delivery order, dan GRN dengan mudah.
  • Customer will receive SMS on information for each Credit Note Entry and Clearing Repulsion of at least Rp. 500,000
    Memperoleh SMS informasi tiap Credit Note Masuk dan tolakan kliring minimal Rp 500,000
  • SMACC Financial Accounting Software helps you to manage Payments, Invoices, Receipts, Journal Voucher, Debit & Credit Notes easily.
    Perangkat Lunak Akuntansi Keuangan SMACC membantu Anda mengelola Pembayaran, Faktur, Kuitansi, Voucher Jurnal, Nota Debit & Kredit dengan mudah.
  • Credit notes can be issued, depending on the conditions of the transfer. Payments will be prepared once the receipt has been established.
    Catatan kredit dapat dikeluarkan, tergantung pada kondisi transfer. Pembayaran akan disiapkan setelah tanda terima telah ditetapkan.
  • SMACC Financial Accounting Software helps you to manage Payments, Receipts, Journal Voucher, Debit Notes, Credit Notes easily. Transaction Viewer makes it easy to track all transactions.
    Perangkat Lunak Akuntansi Keuangan SMACC membantu Anda mengelola Pembayaran, Kuitansi, Voucher Jurnal, Nota Debit, Nota Kredit dengan mudah. Peninjau Transaksi membuat pelacakan transaksi menjadi mudah.
  • Our end-to-end Inventory Software enables you to easily manage your stocks in multiple warehouses, generate purchase orders, invoices, credit notes, GRN & many more, all in one place.
    Software Sistem Manajemen Inventaris kami memungkinkan Anda mengatur stok dengan mudah di beberapa gudang, menghasilkan instruksi pembelian (PO), faktur, nota kredit, GRN & masih banyak lagi dalam satu tempat.
  • A total of 2 credits, a so-called real-estate credit note, and a credit secured by the land register entry are concluded. The total credit is thus "split" into two parts, ie divided.
    Sebanyak kredit 2, yang disebut catatan kredit real estat, dan sebuah kredit yang dijamin dengan entri daftar pendaftaran disimpulkan. Total kredit dengan demikian "terbelah" menjadi dua bagian, yaitu terbagi.