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contoh kalimat cyrillic

"cyrillic" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Blocks of ciphertext in sets of five Cyrillic letters.
    Blok ciphertext di set lima huruf Cyrillic.
  • By converting the card numbers to the Cyrillic Alphabet
    Dengan mengkonversi nomor-nomor kartu menjadi Cyrillic Alphabet
  • Not quite like this. It had Cyrillic lettering.
    Tidak benar-benar seperti ini, terdapat tulisan Cyrius.
  • Almost done, I'm just translating it from Cyrillic.
    Hampir selesai, aku hanya menerjemahkan nya dari huruf Cyrillic.
  • The Cyrillic letter Ef (Ф, ф) descends from phi.
    Huruf Sirilik Ef (Ф, ф) berasal dari Φ.
  • Too painful watching you attempt to read Cyrillic.
    Terlalu menyakitkan melihatmu coba baca Cyrillic.
  • The Nogai alphabet based on Cyrillic was created in 1938.
    Alfabet Nogai yang berbasis Sirilik diperkenalkan tahun 1938.
  • Is it just me, or does Cyrillic look like Klingon?
    Apakah hanya saya, atau apakah Cyrillic terlihat seperti Klingon?
  • Hit the service entrance button. Texting you Cyrillic icon now.
    Tekantombolpintumasuk layanan kirim pesan icon Cyrillic kamu sekarang .
  • Lithuanian-language publications that used Cyrillic were allowed and even encouraged.
    Publikasi-publikasi berbahasa Lituania yang memakai aksara Sirilik diijinkan dan bahkan didorong.
  • Characters to the right are the letters of the Lezgian Cyrillic Alphabet.
    Karakter ke kanan adalah huruf dari Alfabet Sirilik Lezgia.
  • Cyrillic is in official use in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Sirilik digunakan secara resmi di Serbia, Montenegro dan Republika Srpska.
  • One of the cool room has a Cyrillic tattoo on the arm-
    Salah satu ruangan yang sejuk memiliki Cyrillic tato di lengannya -
  • In the Early Cyrillic alphabet its name was азъ (azǔ), meaning "I".
    Dalam alfabet Sirilik awal namanya adalah азъ (azǔ), yang berarti "Aku".
  • Latin ("romaji") and Cyrillic ("cyriji") symbols as kana transcriptions
    Apoyo diacético - dakuten (nigori), handakuten (hannigori)
  • Cyrillic Domains Indexing - My Sitemap Generator
    Sitemap GeneratorRSS GeneratorGoogle Shopping FeedsYandex Shopping FeedsWebsite Testing
  • ? Fonts.by ? Download font Betina Normal Cyrillic for free
    Fonts.by ? ??????? ????? Betina Normal Cyrillic ?????????
  • I want to will help, but do not understand anything in Cyrillic letters.
    aku ingin akan membantu, namun tidak mengerti apa-apa dalam huruf Cyrillic.
  • In the Cyrillic numeral system, the Cyrillic letter А had a value of 1.
    Dalam sistem angka Sirilik, huruf A Sirilik memiliki nilai 1.
  • In the Cyrillic numeral system, the Cyrillic letter А had a value of 1.
    Dalam sistem angka Sirilik, huruf A Sirilik memiliki nilai 1.
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