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"david lloyd george" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • 1946) January 17 David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d.
    1946) 17 Januari - David Lloyd George, Perdana Menteri Britania Raya (w.
  • At the meeting David Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, "referred to the ultimate destiny of Palestine".
    Di pertemuan tersebut, David Lloyd George, Menteri Keuangan Britania Raya pada masa itu, "menyebut takdir mutlak dari Palestina".
  • The UK's new Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, had long believed that the war could not be won on the Western Front alone.
    Perdana Menteri Inggris baru, David Lloyd George, sudah lama percaya bahwa perang tidak bisa dimenangkan di blok Barat.
  • In 1909, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, introduced the "People's Budget", which proposed a new tax targeting wealthy landowners.
    Pada 1909, Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, memperkenalkan "Pembelanjaan Rakyat", yang mengatur suatu pajak baru disasarkan kepada pemilik tanah kaya.
  • Asquith, who had favored post-war reform of the Ottoman Empire, resigned in December 1916; his replacement David Lloyd George, favored partition of the Empire.
    Asquith, yang menginginkan reformasi pasca perang bagi Kekaisaran Ottoman, mengundurkan diri pada Desember 1916 dan digantikan oleh David Lloyd George, yang menginginkan pemecahan Kekaisaran Ottoman.
  • David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill met Percival in 1921, when he was called as an expert witness during an inquiry into the Anglo-Irish War.
    Pada tahun 1921, Percival bertemu dengan David Lloyd-George dan Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill semasa Percival dipanggil sebagai saksi ahli dalam suatu pemeriksaan mengenai Perang Inggris-Irlandia.
  • He is best known as the highly efficient top aide to Prime Minister David Lloyd George and the War Cabinet that directed Britain in the First World War.
    Ia dikenal sebagai pembantu papan atas paling efisien untuk Perdana Menteri David Lloyd George dan Kabinet Perang yang memandu Inggris pada Perang Dunia Pertama. ^ a b Schonland, B. F. J. (1964).
  • Under the very vigorous leadership of Liberal party politician David Lloyd George, the Ministry in its first year set up a system that fully mobilized Britain's potential for producing a massive outpouring of munitions.
    Dibawah kepemimpinan politikus partai Liberal David Lloyd George, Kementerian tersebut pada tahun pertamanya menghimpun sebuah sistem yang secara utuh memobilisasi potensi Inggris untuk memproduksi bubuk munisi masif.
  • Likewise, the British Expeditionary Force had also been reinforced by large numbers of troops returned from the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and the Italian Front and replacements held back in Britain by the Prime Minister, David Lloyd George.
    Angkatan Darat Inggris juga telah diperkuat oleh sejumlah besar pasukan kembali dari perang di Palestina dan Italia, dan sebagian besar pasukan pengganti ditahan di Britania Raya oleh Perdana Menteri David Lloyd George.
  • Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.notableabodes.com David Lloyd George Exhibition, National Library of Wales Portraits of David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George at the National Portrait Gallery, London "Archival material relating to David Lloyd George".
    Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.burkespeerage.com www.curriers.co.uk www.notableabodes.com Arsip-arsip yang berhubungan dengan David Lloyd George terdaftar di The National Archives (Britania Raya)
  • Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.notableabodes.com David Lloyd George Exhibition, National Library of Wales Portraits of David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George at the National Portrait Gallery, London "Archival material relating to David Lloyd George".
    Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.burkespeerage.com www.curriers.co.uk www.notableabodes.com Arsip-arsip yang berhubungan dengan David Lloyd George terdaftar di The National Archives (Britania Raya)
  • Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.notableabodes.com David Lloyd George Exhibition, National Library of Wales Portraits of David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George at the National Portrait Gallery, London "Archival material relating to David Lloyd George".
    Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.burkespeerage.com www.curriers.co.uk www.notableabodes.com Arsip-arsip yang berhubungan dengan David Lloyd George terdaftar di The National Archives (Britania Raya)
  • Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.notableabodes.com David Lloyd George Exhibition, National Library of Wales Portraits of David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George at the National Portrait Gallery, London "Archival material relating to David Lloyd George".
    Lloyd George Society website BBC Wales History – Profile of David Lloyd George www.burkespeerage.com www.curriers.co.uk www.notableabodes.com Arsip-arsip yang berhubungan dengan David Lloyd George terdaftar di The National Archives (Britania Raya)
  • The agreement was signed in London on 6 December 1921, by representatives of the British government (which included Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who was head of the British delegates) and by representatives of the Irish Republic including Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith.
    Kesepakatan tersebut ditandatangani di London pada 6 Desember 1921, oleh perwakilan pemerintah Britania Raya (termasuk Perdana Menteri David Lloyd George, yang merupakan kepala delegasi Britania) dan oleh perwakilan Republik Irlandia termasuk Michael Collins dan Arthur Griffith.
  • The all-party coalitions of Herbert Henry Asquith and David Lloyd George in the First World War and of Winston Churchill in the Second World War were sometimes referred to as National Governments at the time, but are now more commonly called Coalition Governments.
    Koalisi seluruh partai yang dipimpin Herbert Henry Asquith dan David Lloyd George selama Perang Dunia I dan koalisi serupa yang dipimpin Winston Churchill di era Perang Dunia II pada masanya disebut sebagai Pemerintahan Nasional, akan tetapi kini lebih sering disebut sebagai Pemerintahan Koalisi.
  • Liberal David Lloyd George formed a coalition government in the United Kingdom in December 1916, and was appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by King George V. It replaced the earlier wartime coalition under H. H. Asquith, which had been held responsible for losses during the Great War.
    David Lloyd George dari Partai Liberal membentuk pemerintahan koalisi di Britania Raya pada Desember 1916, dan diangkat menjadi Perdana Menteri Britania Raya oleh Raja George V. Ini menggantikan koalisi masa perang sebelumnya di bawah H. H. Asquith, yang telah bertanggung jawab atas kekalahan saat Perang Besar.