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contoh kalimat dealership

"dealership" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You just scout the dealership, pretend you want to buy.
    Kau hanya pemandu, berpura-pura ingin membeli.
  • That's what I need for my new dealership commercial.
    Itu yang aku butuhkan untuk iklan dealerku.
  • Did some guy call you from the car dealership?
    Melakukan beberapa panggilan pria Anda dari dealer mobil?
  • Uh, some kind of drug dealership is it, yeah?
    Eh, seperti pengedaran narkoba, benar, yah?
  • The clear sighting was at this tractor dealership in Idaho.
    penampakanyangjelasterlihat di toko traktor, Idaho.
  • If he's even slightly uncomfortable, I'll shut down your dealership.
    Sampai dia tidak nyaman, Akan kutuntut kantormu.
  • Find out which dealership sold them, serviced them, etc., etc.
    Cari tahu dealer mana yang menjualnya, service, dll.
  • That was Mr. Lakewood from the dealership.
    Tadi itu Mr. Lakewood dari dealer mobil.
  • I have a tab at the Mercedes dealership.
    aku punya rekening di dealer Mercedes.
  • He works a dealership over on Fulton.
    Dia bekerja di sebuah diler di Fulton.
  • She'd say she was working late at the car dealership.
    Dia akan mengatakan dia bekerja larut dealer mobil.
  • I liked what I saw at your dealership.
    Aku suka yang kulihat di dilermu.
  • Can we go to the dealership now?
    Bisakah kita pergi ke dealer sekarang?
  • So in your grief you wandered into a Jaguar dealership?
    Jadi dalam kesedihanmu kau lalu pergi ke dealer jaguar?
  • Is there a, uh, dealership around here?
    Apa ada dealer di sekitar sini?
  • He just blew up a car dealership!
    Dia baru saja meledakkan dealer mobil!
  • I spoke to the dealership. They didn't want to take it.
    Aku bicara pada dealernya, mereka tak mau terima.
  • Runs the car dealership in District 13.
    Menjalankan dealer mobil di Distrik 13.
  • But I thought you said the dealership was in profits last year.
    Kau bilang dilermu untung besar tahun lalu.
  • We have been slammed at the dealership.
    Kami sedang sibuk sekali di diler.
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