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contoh kalimat doctor's

  • Here's the doctor's number.
    Jika ada masalah, nomor telepon dokter anak berada tepat di atas teleponnya.
  • Are you a doctor's son or a cameraman's?
    apa kamu seorang anak dokter atau seorang kameramen?
  • Only a doctor can understand a doctor's pressures.
    Hanya dokter yang bisa memahami tekanan dari dokter.
  • It seems you've once again caught the doctor's interest.
    Sepertinya sekali lagi kau mendapat perhatian Dokter.
  • Oh, and we need to schedule a doctor's appointment.
    Oh, dan kita perlu jadwal pertemuan dokter.
  • Well, it's enough to pay your doctor's bills.
    Ya, tapi itu cukup untuk biaya ke dokter
  • Take her to the cell until the doctor's ready.
    Bawa dia ke sel sampai dokternya siap.
  • Eldest brother will be released for a Doctor's visit.
    Kakak pertama akan keluar untuk kunjungan Dokter.
  • Pick-u ps, drop-offs, activities, play-dates, doctor's appointments, etc.
    Menjemput, mengantar, aktivitas. Hari libur, janji dokter, lain-lain.
  • You been to the doctor's yet, about your ears?
    Kamu sudah ke dokter belum tentang kupingmu?
  • Um, the doctor's put her on a prosthetic valve, so she's-
    Dokter memberikannya katup prostetik, jadi-
  • Finch, I know why the doctor's stalking Benton.
    Finch, aku tahu kenapa nona dokter mengincar Benton.
  • Except for a minor incident at the doctor's office.
    Kecuali untuk insiden kecil di tempat dokter..
  • You have to admire the Doctor's enthusiasm.
    Saya akan mengirimkan alamat. Anda harus mengagumi antusiasme Dokter.
  • And the doctor's also said keep his illusion intact.
    Dan dokter juga bilang jaga utuh ilusinya.
  • The doctor's asked y?u to keep the wound dry.
    Dokter memintamu agar menjaga lukanya tetap kering.
  • Nah, he didn't see me at the doctor's office.
    Nah, dia tidak melihatku di kantor dokter
  • Come on, let's get you to bed. Doctor's orders.
    Ayo, kau harus tidur, Ini perintah Dokter.
  • A few days later, they found the doctor's body.
    Beberapa hari kemudian, mereka menemukan jasad dokter.
  • We are not to be blamed for the doctor's death
    Kami tak bersalah atas kematian dokter.
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