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contoh kalimat ekspresi wajah

"ekspresi wajah" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Stop making that facial expression, it's arousing suspicion
    Hentikan membuat bahwa ekspresi wajah, itu menimbulkan kecurigaan
  • I have trouble understanding the expressions on people's faces.
    Saya mengalami kesulitan memahami ekspresi wajah orang.
  • You should have seen the look on those girls' faces.
    Kau harus lihat ekspresi wajah mereka.
  • You should've seen the look on your face!
    Kau harus telah melihat ekspresi wajah mu!
  • I want to see the look on their faces.
    Aku ingin melihat ekspresi wajah mereka.
  • That girl's expression won't disappear from my head.
    Ekspresi wajah gadis itu tidak mau hilang dari ingatanku
  • You should've seen the look on your face.
    Anda harus telah melihat ekspresi wajah Anda.
  • Did you see the look on their faces?
    Kau harusnya melihat bagaimana ekspresi wajah mereka.
  • She has no facial expression and no feeling, right?
    Dia tidak memiliki ekspresi wajah dan perasaan, kan?
  • Um, I'm sorry that I'm making that face.
    Um, aku minta maaf telah membuat ekspresi wajah itu.
  • The expression on the younger brother's face is a little foreboding.
    Ekspresi wajah adikmu terlihat sangat gelisah.
  • You have a strange expression on your face.
    Anda memiliki aneh ekspresi wajah Anda.
  • What's up with that facial expression of yours?
    Ada apa dengan ekspresi wajah Anda?
  • I just keep seeing my kids' expressions in your face.
    Aku terus melihat ekspresi wajah anakku di wajahmu.
  • I can see the look on your face.
    Aku bisa melihat ekspresi wajah Anda.
  • Should have seen the look on their faces.
    Kau seharusnya melihat ekspresi wajah mereka.
  • Are you gonna keep doing that face?
    Kau akan terus membuat ekspresi wajah itu?
  • Sociopaths sometimes have trouble reading facial expressions.
    Sosiopat kadang-kadang kesulitan membaca ekspresi wajah.
  • A subject's mental process betrayed only by the expression on their face.
    Mental pasien tergambar dari ekspresi wajah mereka.
  • You can see everything, the looks on their faces, everything.
    Kau dapat melihat apapun, bahkan ekspresi wajah mereka sekalipun.
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