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contoh kalimat in the conference

"in the conference" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I'll have to crash-brief you in the conference room.
    Aku akan memberikan penjelasan di ruang konferensi.
  • Sir, they're waiting for you in the conference room.
    Sir, mereka menunggu Anda di ruang konferensi.
  • No, I got a meeting in the conference room.
    Tidak, aku punya pertemuan di ruang konferensi.
  • I'll meet Mr. Yuen in the conference room.
    Aku akan menemui Tn. Yuen di ruang rapat.
  • I guess you saw me in the conference room
    Aku mengira kau pernah melihatku dalam ruangan konferensi
  • Everyone in the conference room in 10 minutes.
    Semuanya ke ruang rapat sepuluh menit lagi.
  • We the best defensive players in the conference.
    Kita adalah pemain bertahan terbaik di daerah.
  • First, we need you in the conference room.
    Pertama, kita perlu Anda di ruang konferensi.
  • Anthony Mazlo and his attorney are in the conference room.
    Anthony Mazlo dan pengacara di ruang konferensi.
  • Uh, think he's still in the conference room.
    Eh, pikir dia masih di ruang konferensi.
  • We were supposed to meet in the conference room.
    Kami seharusnya bertemu di ruang konferensi.
  • And we lost to them in the conference finals two years ago.
    Kau berusaha keras mewujudkan itu.
  • Mr Grey, your next meeting is in the conference room
    Pak Grey, rapat berikutnya di ruang pertemuan
  • Right now, Mr. Chase is in the conference room.
    Saat ini, Tn. Chase berada di ruangan konferensi.
  • He got a standing ovation for his robot in the conference.
    Dia mendapat tepuk tangan dalam konferensi robot.
  • You can set up in the conference room. Yeah.
    Anda dapat mempersiapkan ruang pertemuan.
  • Mr. Breslin, they're ready for you in the conference room.
    Tn. Breslin, mereka sudah menunggu di ruang pertemuan.
  • Everybody in the conference room in 10.
    Semuanya berkumpul di ruang rapat jam 10.
  • Genius, emergency meeting in the conference room!
    Hei, jenius, rapat darurat di ruang konferensi!
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3